Authentic Intellectual Work
Improving Teaching for Rigorous Learning
- Fred M. Newmann - University of Wisconsin Madison
- Dana L. Carmichael - Center for Authentic Intellectual Work
- M. Bruce King - University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
Teaching Methods & Learning Styles
Build teacher capacity to promote students' authentic intellectual work
In spite of numerous reforms to improve rigor and relevance in the classroom, our schools have been slow to change. This work provides
- A research-validated, field-tested framework that can be applied across grades and disciplines
- A powerful professional learning component that emphasizes teacher collaboration
- Detailed examples of lessons, assignments, assessment tasks, and student work
Backed by over 20 years of research, the Authentic Intellectual Work (AIW) framework helps school-based teams improve the quality of instruction, assessment, and curriculum for higher and more equitable student learning.
“Newmann and colleagues offer a refreshing approach to research and professional development, which deeply honors teachers' critical inquiry and collaboration. Thanks to their insights, educators finally have a framework for promoting rigor and relevance across all grades and subjects. Those who join this journey will reap the rewards of increased teacher engagement and improved student learning.”
Linda Darling-Hammond, Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education
Stanford University
“Authentic Intellectual Work enables educators to overcome challenges to Common Core implementation. Newmann, Carmichael, and King explain how the AIW approach builds the culture of collaboration and trust required for successful school reform. Importantly, they show how collective professional development among teachers and school leaders can enhance educators’ learning and practice, leading to more equitable student outcomes.”
Greg Anrig, Senior Fellow
The Century Foundation
"This is the definitive volume on “authentic intellectual work”. It will guide educators in the collaboration they need to challenge each other's practices toward ever-increasing rigor, a fundamental building block of 21st century learning."
"Authentic Intellectual Work has had a profound impact on policy, practice, and research in Australia for nearly two decades. Both the research and the professional development presented in this volume are compelling."