Judith Lynn Irvin

She has written and edited numerous books, chapters, and articles on adolescent literacy—most notably Reading and the High School Student: Strategies to Enhance Literacy (with Douglas Buehl and Ronald Klemp, 2007), Strategies for Enhancing Literacy and Learning in Middle School Content Area Classrooms (with Douglas Buehl and Barbara Radcliffe, 2007), and Teaching Middle School Reading (with James Rycik, 2005).
Judith recently completed two books as a result of a project funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York: Taking Action on Adolescent Literacy: An Implementation Guide for School Leaders (with Julie Meltzer and Melinda Dukes, ASCD, 2007) and Meeting the Challenge of Adolescent Literacy: Practical Ideas for Literacy Leaders (with Julie Meltzer, Martha Jan Mickler, Melvina Phillips, and Nancy Dean, 2009). She is a speaker and consultant to school systems and professional organizations throughout the nation. Judith spent eight years as a middle and high school social studies and reading teacher.