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13 Results Found for "Literacy"

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Allen-Rotell, Aida

Aida Allen-Rotell

Aida Allen-Rotell, MA, is currently a full-time professional learning consultant for Corwin and a teaching clinician. She was previously a bilingual teacher in an elementary school, where she taught grades K-6 for 15 years, as well as a high school special educator, academic coach, coordinator of services for multilingual learners, and administrator.

Nicole Law

Dr. Nicole Law is a dynamic and passionate educator who provides relevant professional development to schools and districts across the country.

Faddis, Toni Osborn

Toni Osborn Faddis

Toni Faddis, EdD, is a Corwin author and full-time professional learning consultant. Toni was previously a bilingual teacher and Reading Recovery specialist in elementary and middle schools, as well as a principal in San Diego.


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