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101 Results Found


Barker, Kathryn

Kathryn Barker

Kate Barker is a seasoned principal, teacher, coach, author, and speaker with over 30 years of experience providing equitable opportunities for students and families in highly diverse and economically challenged communities.  Her passion is creating school environments that have a vibrant, fun, and loving culture infused with high expectations and purposeful structures.  She has been named her state’s principal of the year and recognized as a national distingu

Bay-Williams, Jennifer M.

Jennifer M. Bay-Williams

Jennifer M. Bay-Williams is a professor of mathematics education at the University of Louisville, where she teaches preservice teachers, emerging elementary mathematics specialists, and doctoral students in mathematics education.

Blevins, Wiley

Wiley W. Blevins

Wiley Blevins, Ed.D., studied at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Bowling Green State University. He is an author, educational consultant, and researcher, and has taught both in the United States and South America. Wiley has written over 17 books for teachers, including A Fresh Look at Phonics, Phonics From A to Z, Differentiating Phonics Instruction for Maximum Impact, and Choosing and Using Decodable Texts.

Bonine, Jeff

Jeff Bonine

Jeff Bonine, Ed.D. currently serves as a Teacher Leader at Health Science High and Middle College (HSHMC) in San Diego, California, and is also an Adjunct Professor at San Diego State University and Cuyamaca College.

Briggs, Julia K.

Julia Katherine Briggs

Julia Briggs lives and works as a teacher in an international school in Bogotá, Colombia, she teaches Science and Chemistry and is the Head of IB Chemistry at Colegio Anglo Colombiano where she also works with departments and individual teachers as a coach and certified trainer of H.

Brueggeman, Amanda

Amanda Brueggeman

Amanda Brueggeman grew up on a farm in Southeast Missouri and then worked her way to the suburbs of St. Louis, MO, where she taught in elementary classrooms at Valley Park and Wentzville for ten years prior to being a coach. She is currently coaching at Wentzville School District, a suburb of St. Louis, MO, as a K-6 Literacy Coach.

Bustamante, Vince

Vince Bustamante

Vince Bustamante, M.Ed. is an instructional coach, curriculum content developer, and author who resides in Calgary, Canada.

Campbell, Karen

Karen Campbell

Karen Campbell has worked in education in Saskatchewan for over 30 years in a range of positions, both at the school and system levels.

Lisa Cebelak

A national education consultant, Lisa Cebelak facilitates professional development onsite and provides follow up implementation visits in various areas such as curriculum, instruction, and assessments. In her former district, Lisa was an instructional coach specializing in secondary literacy coaching.
