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Be an Ally, not a Bystander

Be an Ally, not a Bystander
Allyship lessons for 7-12 year olds

Other Titles in:
Classroom Activities | Diversity

October 2024 | 200 pages | Corwin UK

What is an Ally? What is Allyship?  Why should we teach it in primary schools?

Allyship is many things.  It is empathy, community, action, positivity, inclusion, anti-racism, aspiration and more. Allyship is learning about diversity and difference and making a conscious choice to support those who are marginalised.  This learning has always mattered in primary schools.

In this book, educator Frances Akinde outlines what allyship is and why it matters more than ever in primary schools today. Through practical guidance and support, Frances empowers teachers to take positive action right now. Her practical support includes lesson ideas, learning activities and key resources.

Through allyship. children can learn to be agents of positive change in their schools and communities. This book enables teachers to bring this learning to the classroom.

Introduction: Why a book about Allyship?
Chapter 1: Pre-delivery work: Doing the inner work in order to do the outer work
Chapter 2: What is an Ally? Why is it important to teach children to be influential allies?
Chapter 3: What is a bystander?
Chapter 4: Challenging Bias and Stereotypes
Chapter 5: Tackling Different forms of prejudice, discrimination and oppression
Chapter 6: Using Advocacy to promote Equity and remove inequality
Chapter 7: Teaching allyship through kindness and compassion
Chapter 8: Are you okay? Encouraging children to speak out and stand with others
Chapter 9: Learning from the Past
Chapter 10: Creating a Whole School Culture
Chapter 11: Everybody has a role to play, lifelong learning
Key take aways

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ISBN: 9781071928899
ISBN: 9781071928905

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For instructors