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63 Tactics for Teaching Diverse Learners, K-6

63 Tactics for Teaching Diverse Learners, K-6

October 2008 | 160 pages | Corwin

"An in-depth, effectively organized resource guide for teachers at all grade levels, putting meaningful, practical strategies and activities just a page-turn away. Filled with the voices of teachers and students, this book won't have time to gather dust on the shelf."
—Ruth Devlin, ELL Teacher
Paradise Professional Development School, Las Vegas, NV

"I love the way the book addresses specific behaviors and classroom situations. The format is consistent throughout the text, which makes finding information on a specific topic, skill, or content area easy."
—Roxie Ahlbrecht, Second-Grade Teacher
Robert Frost Elementary School, Sioux Falls, SD

Evidence-based practices for delivering instruction that meets students' diverse learning needs!

The increased inclusion of students with disabilities and learning differences in the general education elementary classroom has challenged novice and expert educators to seek more effective ways of meeting diverse learning needs. This detailed guide offers easy access to information about effective teaching methods that allow educators to be more responsive to individual concerns.

63 Tactics for Teaching Diverse Learners, K–6 presents successful, teacher-tested instructional methods that can be used across content areas and grade levels for elementary students with or without disabilities. The authors provide a practical, research-based teaching model that focuses on planning, managing, delivering, and evaluating instruction. Readers will find:

  • Descriptions of how to teach students with diverse learning styles and needs
  • Feedback from teachers on how to implement or modify each tactic
  • Information to help teachers choose appropriate strategies for specific subjects, grades, or learning difficulties

Motivational and multifaceted, this resource is an essential tool for providing an informed approach that improves academic performance for all elementary students.

About the Authors
Part 1: Planning Instruction
1: Decide What to Teach
Assess to Identify Gaps in Performance

Establish Logical Sequences of Instruction

Consider Contextual Variable

2: Decide How to Teach
Set Instructional Goals

Establish Performance Standards

Choose Instructional Methods and Materials

Establish Groups Structures

Pace Instruction Appropriately

Monitor Performance and RePlan Instruction

3: Communicate Realistic Expectations
Teach Goals, Objective, and Standards

Teach Students to be Active, Involved Learners

Teach Students Consequences of Performance

Part II: Managing Instruction

4: Prepare for Instruction
Set Classroom Rules

Communicate and Teach Classroom Rules

Communicate Consequences of Behavior

Handle Disruptions Efficiently

Teach Students to Manage their own Behavior

5: Use Time Productively
Establish Routines and Procedures

Organize Physical Space
Allocate Sufficient Time to Academic Activities

6: Establish Positive Classroom Environment
Make the Classroom a Pleasant, Friendly Place

Accept Individual Differences

Establish Supportive, Cooperative Learning Environments

Create a Nonthreatening Learning Environment

Part III: Delivering Instruction
7: Present Information
Presenting Content

Motivating Students

Teaching Thinking Skills

Providing Relevant Practice

8: Monitor Presentations
Providing Feedback

Keeping Students Actively Involved

Ch. 9: Adjust Presentations
Adapt Lessons to Meet Student Needs

Provide Varied Instructional Options

Alter Pace

Part IV: Evaluating Instruction
10: Monitor Student Understanding
Check Understanding of Directions

Check Procedural Understanding

Monitor Student Success Rate

11: Monitor Engaged Time
Check Student Participation

Teach Students to Monitor their own Participation

Ch. 12: Keep Records of Student Progress
Teach Students to Chart their own Progress

Regularly Inform Students of Performance

Maintain Records of Student Performance

13: Use Data to Make Decisions
Use Data to Decide if More Services are Warranted

Use Student Progress to Make Teaching Decisions

Use Student Progress to Decide When to Discontinue Service

Additional Readings

“I love the way the book addresses specific behaviors and classroom situations. The format is consistent throughout the text, which makes it easy to find information on a specific topic, skill, or content area.”

Roxie Ahlbrecht, Second-Grade Teacher
Robert Frost Elementary School, Sioux Falls, SD

"Provides research-based strategies that educators can immediately put into practice to meet their students' unique learning needs. The authors have given us an invaluable tool for success in today's increasingly diverse classrooms and changing educational contexts."

Holly Ishman, Elementary Teacher
Aurora Public Schools, CO

"An in-depth, effectively organized resource guide for teachers at all grade levels, putting meaningful, practical strategies and activities just a page-turn away. Filled with the voices of teachers and students, this book won’t have time to gather dust on the shelves of teachers concerned with student success in inclusive classrooms and in today’s educational climate."

Ruth Devlin, ELL Teacher
Paradise Professional Development School, Las Vegas, NV

"When teachers are reaching for solutions, they should reach for this book. Positive and proactive tactics to deal with students' problematic behaviors are provided, and the range of instructional tactics enables teachers to be more responsive to students' learning needs."

Peggy King-Sears, Professor of Special Education
George Mason University
Key features
  • Evidence-based instructional practices for inclusive elementary classrooms
  • Features an accessible format that makes it easy for teachers to find appropriate practices by grade, content area, and learning problem
  • Offers readers implementation information, teacher feedback on the practice, and additional references

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter 1: Decide What to Teach

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ISBN: 9781412942386

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