The Art of Problem Solving
A Resource for the Mathematics Teacher
Edited by:
- Alfred S. Posamentier - Mercy College, New York, USA
- Wolfgang Schulz
Other Titles in:
December 1995 | 480 pages | Corwin
As a mathematics teacher, you know how hard it can be for your students to understand and solve math problems. The old ways of problem solving don't always work. Even the most innovative teachers need some fresh ideas to make mathematics something students comprehend and enjoy.
Problem solving is the main theme of this new, idea-filled handbook. The chapter authors look at the subject in a completely new light, and the result is an enticing, entertaining, and useful resource.
The editors of this guidebook present a host of interesting ideas that range from practical to theoretical, from common to glitzy, that you can adapt for use in your classroom. With margin notes identifying subject matter and strategy type, this book is as easy to read as it is valuable.
Full of important ideas on:
* Interest grabbers
* The pigeonhole approach
* Combinatorics, or counting without really counting
* Symmetry
* Graph theory
* Using game strategies
Mathematics professionals from all over the world bring you their personal favorite strategies for problem solving. The chapters are independent of each other, and the editors encourage you to use the chapters in whatever order suits your needs.
If you have ever despaired of making mathematics into a favorite subject for yourself and your class, this is the book you need. These passionate professionals give you new insight into the art of problem solving.
Ira Ewen
Strategies for Problem Exploration
Alfred S Posamentier
Unconventional Problem-Solving Strategies in Mathematics Instruction
Steven R Conrad
Interest Grabbers
Exciting Motivational Problems with Punch and Personality
Mario Salvadori
Check the Answer, Please!
Ethan Akin
The Logic of Error
Fred Paul
Trial and Success
Stephen Krulik and Jesse A Rudnick
Reduce, Expand, and Look for a Pattern
Alfred S Posamentier and Wei Lee
A Pigeonhole Principle for Problem Solving
Evan M Maletsky
Handling, Seeing, and Thinking Experiences in Mathematics
Hans Humenberger and Hans-Christian Reichel
Problem Solving as a Continuous Principle for Teaching
Suggestions and Examples
Stephen E Moresh
Another View of Combinatorics (or Counting without Really Counting)
Wolfgang Schulz
Problem Solving by the Use of Functions
David Singmaster
Symmetry Saves the Solution
Jan Troják
An Application of Congruence Transformations in Problem Solving
Wei Lee
Graph Theory
Tools to Solve Mathematical Problems
Karl Kiesswetter, Roland J K Stowasser, and Lenni I Haapasalo
A Different Solution for Problems with Extreme Values
A Didactic Journey into the World of Jakob Steiner's Ideas
Hans K Kaiser
The Problem of the Duplication of a Cube
Marion Kauke and Sabine Ziller
Solving Mathematical Problems Using Game Strategies
Hope J Hartman
Cooperative Learning Approaches to Mathematical Problem Solving
Brigitte A Rollett
Problem Solving and the Mathematically Gifted Student
A Psychological Perspective