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PD Programs and Resources for High-Gains Teaching 

The global pandemic challenged our education system in unprecedented ways. As our communities rebound and recover, we have a unique opportunity to re-envision education in ways that better serve all our students.

This website shows how you can use CARES Act funding to make the maximum impact on student and educator learning.


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Funding for PD Related to SEL


Social-emotional learning (SEL) is more important than ever, both for supporting students’ well-being, mental health, and feelings of connectedness during school closures, but also for supporting academic behaviors necessary for students to engage in distance or in-person learning, such as self-discipline, self-motivation, goal setting, empathy, and communication. ESSER/CRRSA funding—along with ESEA Title I, II, and IV funding accessible through the CARES Act—allow schools and districts to fund SEL initiatives and educator professional learning to meet students’ social, emotional, and cognitive needs. 



Allowable Uses Related to SEL: 

  • Providing mental health services and supports 
  • Addressing learning loss among students, including by: 
    • Implementing evidence-based activities to meet the comprehensive needs of students. 
    • Improving student engagement in distance education 



Virtual & In-Person Workshops





Re-Engaging Students in Learning

When students understand the relationship between emotions and behaviors in relation to their own self-worth, they can work with adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities. Learn how SEL & behavior workshops with Jessica and John Hannigan can help educators support students' social, emotional, and cognitive needs.

More about SEL & behavior workshops 



Virtual Institutes

In this institute participants will be introduced to a multi-tiered framework comprised of best practices that cultivate educator and student resilience in ways that are culturally responsive and trauma informed.

Ideal for individual registrants and groups up to 30. For large groups or whole-school registration, consider booking a Building Resilience workshop.

See upcoming date

Professional Books


See more SEL books


Funding for PD Related to Learning Recovery & Accelerating Learning


Early studies on the impact of the pandemic on student learning reveal significant gaps in literacy and math outcomes compared to previous years. Schools and districts can use ESSER/CRRSA funding to address learning gaps caused by COVID-19 related educational disruptions by understanding evidence-based best practices that accelerate learning and providing professional development to teachers and leaders in assessing students’ academic progress and implementing high-gains instructional strategies to create learning leaps.  

Allowable Uses Related to Accelerating Learning: 

  • Providing principals and other school leaders with the resources necessary to address school needs. 
  • Addressing learning loss among students, including by:  
    • Administering and using high-quality assessments to accurately assess students’ academic progress and assist educators in meeting students’ academic needs 
    • Implementing evidence-based activities to meet the comprehensive needs of students 


Virtual & In-Person Workshops



Accelerate Student Learning by Focusing on What Works Best

Visible Learning+ is an approach to K12 professional learning that accelerates student learning by helping you evaulate and assess your impact to maximize achievement for all students.

More about Visible Learning+




Visible Learning+ Virtual Institutes

Join our team of certified Visible Learning+ consultants for virtual 1-day institutes and multi-day series to learn about what works best for accelerating student learning. Dive into pathways for teaching, learning, leading, and equity at our upcoming events.

Ideal for individual registrants and groups up to 30. For large groups or whole-school registration, consider booking a Visible Learning workshop.

See upcoming dates


Professional Books


See all Visible Learning books



Funding for PD Related to Online & Simultaneous Learning


ESSER/CRRSA funding supports schools and districts in providing alternatives to in-person instruction, including educating students via remote learning, blended learning, or hybrid/simultaneous learning models, in response to COVID-19 related school closures. In addition to hardware or technology purchases, funds can be used to support the effective delivery of instruction, including teacher and leader training in online or simultaneous learning best practices. 

Allowable Uses Related to Online/Simultaneous Learning: 

  • Providing principals and other school leaders with the resources necessary to address school needs. 
  • Planning for and coordinating during long-term closures, including technology for online learning and ensuring educational services can continue to be provided  
  • Addressing learning loss among students, including by:  
    • Implementing evidence-based activities to meet the comprehensive needs of students. 
    • Providing information and assistance to parents and families on how they can effectively support students, including in a distance learning environment. 
    • Tracking student attendance and improving student engagement in distance education 


Virtual & In-Person Workshops


Learn how to design learning experiences that engage students in multiple different learning environments.

Explore how to design learning experiences that leverage technplogy and develop rutines and procedures that ensure engagement whether some students are at home or in the classroom.

More about Simultaneous Learning Workshops


Effective teaching is effective teaching, no matter where it occurs.

Learn how to develop distance learning strategies that are purposeful and intentional with a focus on what works best to accelerate student learning. The Distance Learning live, virtual workshops support educators in building both our students' capacity (and our own) for distance learning through the application of Visible Learning research.

More about Distance Learning Workshops





Simultaneous Learning Institutes

Explore the implementation of effective simultaneous learning and discover strategies for leveraging technology and developing routines that will ensure engagement during these 1-day virtual PD events.

Ideal for individual registrants and groups up to 30. For large groups or whole-school registration, consider booking a Simultaneous Learning workshop.

See upcoming dates.


Professional Books

The Quick Guide to Simultaneous, Hybrid, and Blended Learning

BUNDLE: Fisher: The Distance Learning Playbook, Grades K-12 + Fisher: The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning

The Distance Learning Playbook for School Leaders

Humanizing Distance Learning

See more distance learning books



Funding for PD Related to Addressing Systemic Equity


The pandemic has brought to light and exacerbated existing inequities within our educational system. Early studies reveal a disproportionate impact on the academic progress of students of poverty, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and students lacking access to remote learning. Many schools and districts have used ESSER/CRRSA funding to purchase hardware and connectivity devices for students, provide school meals, and provide assistive/adaptive technology. In addition, LEAs can use ESSER/CRRSA funding to address systemic equity issues through the implementation of comprehensive professional development to create equitable learning environments, including the use of culturally responsive teaching practices.  

Allowable Uses Related to Equity: 

  • Providing principals and other school leaders with the resources necessary to address school needs. 
  • Activities to address the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth 


Virtual & In-Person Workshops



Build a foundation for systemic equity growth

The Deep Equity model helps schools and districts establish the climate, protocols, common language, and common goals for systemic equity transformation. Build school-based equity teams to foster relational trust for authentic dialogue and implement culturally responsive teaching practices.

More about Deep Equity



Professional Books

 See all equity books


Funding PD Related to Trauma-Informed Practice


Educational disruptions from COVID-19 have had negative impact on children’s mental health and well-being, especially those who rely on supportive relationships with peers and adults at school. Students and families from disadvantaged backgrounds have been disproportionately affected. In addition, the stress on teachers, leaders, and parents has made self-care, resilience, and trauma-informed practices a priority for many schools. ESSER/CRRSA funding supports the delivery of mental health services and supports for students and adults to address individual and collective needs. Schools can integrate trauma-informed practices within their existing multi-tiered systems of support to more effectively and efficiently deliver services.

Allowable Uses Related to Trauma: 

  • Providing principals and other school leaders with the resources necessary to address school needs. 
  • Activities to address the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth 
  • Providing mental health services and supports 


Virtual & In-Person Workshops

Transform schools with trauma-informed strategies for teacher and student well-being

Schools can build their resilience by implementing effective systems (teams and teamwork) that build teachers' self and collective efficacy to address the behavioral and social-emotional needs of their students, in ways that are trauma-informed and culturally responsive.

Learn about Building Resilience workshops



Professional Books


More books on trauma-informed practice


Funding for PD Related to Literacy & Mathematics


Schools and districts can use ESSER/CRRSA funding to address learning gaps in literacy and math caused by COVID-19 related educational disruptions, especially in the early grades. Many states also have state funding or initiatives to support early literacy and mathematics, which continue to be critical for success in upper grades and overall educational outcomes. 

Allowable Uses Related Literacy & Math: 

  • Providing principals and other school leaders with the resources necessary to address school needs. 
  • Addressing learning loss among students, including by:  
    • Administering and using high-quality assessments to accurately assess students’ academic progress and assist educators in meeting students’ academic needs 
    • Implementing evidence-based activities to meet the comprehensive needs of students 


Virtual & In-Person Workshops


Literacy & Math Consulting with Fisher & Frey

Whether you're looking for guidance in writing, reading, or balanced literacy instruction, you'll find high-impact strategies from Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey to expand your expertise and improve literacy skills for all students.

See Fisher & Frey workshops




Reading Comprehension Virtual Institute

Join Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Nicole Law for a deep dive into evidence-based reading instruction that provides a structured framework developed to teach the foundational skills of reading while developing the motivation and critical reasoning K-12 students need to become lifelong readers.

See event details 


Professional Books


See more literacy books

See more math books

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