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72 Results Found for "CC9"


Clone of Welcoming All Brave Teachers

Corwin has one mission: to enhance education through intentional professional learning.

We build long-term relationships with our authors, educators, clients, and associations who partner with us to develop and continuously improve the best, evidence-based practices that establish and support lifelong learning.

Concept-Based Curriculum & Instruction

Concept-based curriculum and instruction provide a powerful and coherent method of teaching in a way that shapes the intellect for deep understanding of concepts, facts, and ideas across the content areas.

Knowing the facts is not enough. If we want students to develop intellectually, creatively problem-solve, and grapple with complexity, the key is in conceptual understanding. A concept-based curriculum recaptures students’ innate curiosity about the world and provides the thrilling feeling of engaging one’s mind.

The Challenging Learning Series Developed by James Nottingham

The challenge is what learning is all about—to willingly explore new ideas and grapple with existing ideas to deepen understanding. The term “challenging learning” has two implied meanings: to challenge the way learning is typically done, and to make learning more challenging.

The books in this series are centered around proven, research-based instructional strategies designed to cultivate exploratory dialogue, foster growth mindsets, give feedback, craft quality questions, and design challenging lessons. 
