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129 Results Found for "visible learning"


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At Corwin, we have one objective and one objective only: to help you do your important work better. We offer a host of independent and integrated professional learning options that conform with your budget, your timeline, and your objectives: books and resources; institutes; author consulting; Visible Learning and eCourses

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What is the price of the two-day Institute on July 11-12, 2016?

General: $749 per person
Groups of 3 or more: $699 per person (must register all at once in order to receive the group discount)

Pre-Sessions on July 10th: $199 per person, Early bird rate $150 (if registered by January 31, 2016)
Visible Learning Literacy Institute on July 13th: $425 per person


What is the price of the Institute?

Registration is $425 per person

What does the registration fee include?

The registration fee includes your tuition for the event, lunch, materials, handouts, and a copy of Visible Learning for Literacy. Travel costs, parking, and accommodations are not included in the registration fee.


Keynote Presenters

John Hattie

John Hattie

Evaluating Instructional Leadership Alignment

In the forward for Ray and Julie’s book, Evaluating Instructional Leadership, Professor John Hattie poses a question:

One of the greatest powers of a school leader is that they have the power to create the narrative in their schools. Is it a narrative of curriculum, test, scores, bus timetables, tracking—the peripherals of schools that need school on student learning—learning in the widest senses?
