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Schmuck, Richard A.

Richard A. Schmuck

Richard A. Schmuck is professor emeritus at the University of Oregon, where he chaired the dissertations of 132 doctoral students who are from all parts of the world. He taught thousands of other educators worldwide about action research, group dynamics, and organization development.

Glanz, Jeffrey G.

Jeffrey G. Glanz

Jeffrey Glanz currently serves as a Senior Fellow at the Institute for University-School Partnership, Director of the Masters Program and the Raine and Stanley Silverstein Chair in Professional Ethics and Values at the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration at Yeshiva University. Prior to coming to YU, Dr. Glanz served as Dean of Graduate Programs and Chair of the Department of Education at Wagner College in Staten Island, New York.

Patchin, Justin W.

Justin W. Patchin

Justin W. Patchin is a professor of criminal justice at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire. For two decades he has been exploring the intersection of teens and technology, with particular focus on cyberbullying and sexting. He travels the world helping communities make online spaces safer and kinder.

John P. Allegrante, PhD, LHD (Hon.) (2011-2017)*

John Allegrante is the senior Professor of Health Education in Health and Behavior Studies at Teachers College and Adjunct Professor of Sociomedical Sciences at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. Dr. Allegrante’s research has focused on behavioral self-management and health outcomes in chronic disease, threats to child and adolescent health, and health promotion workforce development.

Cobb, Casey D.

Casey D. Cobb

Casey Cobb is Associate Professor of Education Policy and Director of the Center for Education Policy Analysis at the University of Connecticut. His current research interests include policies on accountability, school choice, and bilingual education, where he examines the implications for equity among historically marginalized populations.

Matthew C. Militello

Matthew Militello is the Wells Fargo Distinguished Professor in Educational Leadership at East Carolina University. He is currently the principal investigator for a million dollar National Science Foundation grant (NSF# 1738767) bringing computational thinking to music and art classes in rural NC middle schools. Militello is also currently implementing an innovative Ed.D. degree for ECU in Bangkok, Thailand.

Arbaugh, Fran

Edith Francis Arbaugh

Dr. Fran Arbaugh is an associate professor of mathematics education at Penn State University, having begun her career as a university mathematics teacher educator at the University of Missouri. She is a former high school mathematics teacher, received a M.Ed. in Secondary Mathematics Education from Virginia Commonwealth University and a PhD in Curriculum & Instruction (Mathematics Education) from Indiana University – Bloomington.

Delale-O'Connor, Lori

Lori Delale-O'Connor

Dr. Lori Delale-O’Connor is an assistant professor of urban education at the University of Pittsburgh. She received a Ph.D. in Sociology from Northwestern University where she was a certificate fellow in the Multidisciplinary Program in Education Sciences—a pre-doctoral training program funded by the Institute of Education Sciences. Dr. Delale-O'Connor also holds an M.Ed.

Quezada, Reyes L.

Reyes Limon Quezada

Dr. Reyes L. Quezada was born in San Juan De Los Lagos, Jalisco, Mexico. His family of 8 immigrated to the United States and settled in Southern California in a farm near the Mexican border by Brawley. He was seven years old.  His father was a farmworker and participated in the Bracero Program (Guest worker) in the early 1960’s, his mother was a stay home mom who provided a caring and loving environment for his brothers and sisters.

Earl, Lorna M.

Lorna M. Earl

Lorna M. Earl is a director of Aporia Consulting Ltd. and a retired associate professor from the Department of Theory and Policy Studies at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. She was the first director of assessment for the Ontario Education Quality and Accountability Office, and she as been a researcher and research director in school districts for over 20 years.
