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47 Results Found for "CO0"


Collective Equity

Monday, March 14, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Sonja Hollins-Alexander and Nicole Law

Collective Equity is the catalyst for transforming learning environments into equitable spaces for increasing engagement, accelerating achievement, and enhancing belongingness and self-efficacy for all students. The Collective leverages relational trust where all members can individually and collectively show up in the fullness of who they are. When the Collective Equity Framework is implemented, the learning community is strengthened through a laser-like focus on increasing the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and stamina of educators in order to implement culturally fortifying practices that are visible.

Critical Comprehension

Monday, March 20, 2023 - 3:30pm

Presented by Katie Kelly, Lester Laminack, Vivian Vasquez

At a time when outside forces are calling for greater restrictions on access to information through book challenges, prohibitive legislation, and threats to educators who encourage students to read widely, there is an even greater need to teach students to read critically, to question the author, the text, the source of the material, and intentions. Katie Kelly, Lester Laminack, and Vivian Vasquez define the word ‘text’ broadly to include printed material as well as spoken text, songs, interactions, and events (both current and historical).

Fostering Collective Teacher Efficacy

Thursday, September 20, 2018 - 3:30pm

Presented by Jenni Donohoo

In collaboration with Walden University

Collective efficacy is a significant belief system for improving student outcomes. In fact, according to Hattie's Visible Learning Research, collective teacher efficacy is what matters most in raising student achievement. Formal and informal leaders are asking themselves “How can I foster a sense of efficacy in my school?” Here’s your opportunity to get every question answered.

Collective Student Efficacy

Monday, October 18, 2021 - 3:30pm

Presented by Doug Fisher and John Hattie

Harness the power of collective efficacy to accelerate students’ learning.  Do your students understand the potential of collaborating with others?  Do they believe that they will learn more if they develop both “I” skills and “We” skills? 

Collaborating to Achieve Excellence: How to Foster Collective Efficacy in Schools

Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 3:30pm

Presented by Jenni Donohoo

What matters most in raising student achievement?

Research identifies collective efficacy—the shared belief that what we do really matters—as the #1 factor. When teachers believe that, together, they can positively impact student learning, it results in a number of productive patterns of behaviour. Join us to learn more about what collective efficacy is, why it's important, and how to foster efficacy to ensure equity, promote well-being, and enhance public confidence in education.

Education Week: Measuring Student Learning in Any Setting (Content provided by Corwin Press)

Monday, November 30, 2020 - 11:00am

Presented by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Hattie, and Vince Bustamante

In this webinar, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Hattie, and Vince Bustamante guide teachers with examples, strategies, and assessment techniques that can be leveraged regardless of the learning environment. Educators can use decision-making tools to foster student learning, gauge the impact of their teaching, and measure progress and mastery.

Navigating the Toughest Leadership Issues in Education

Thursday, May 24, 2018 - 2:00pm

Presented by Brad Gustafson and Bill Ziegler

In Collaboration with Walden University

In this webinar, two award-winning principals (one from an elementary school and another from a high school) square off on some of the biggest problems school leaders are facing in education. They’ll share strategies to amplify learning and help you apply positive deviance to break through the barriers you may be facing.

Lyn and Beate

Monday, May 9, 2016 - 3:30pm

Watch Lyn and Beate's Archived Webinar

Purposeful collaboration makes a difference. A BIG difference. Not just because it’s a way to better understand specific causal pathways that lead to success. But because when teachers employ an inquiry mindset, they actually advance their instructional expertise as professionals. In this webinar, Lyn Sharratt and Beate Planche introduce to school leaders at large five high-impact, collaborative strategies for “sharing the learning while doing the work” of system and school improvement.

Student-Centered Coaching: The Moves

Monday, February 12, 2018 - 3:30pm

Presented by Diane Sweeney

Student-centered coaching puts student learning front-and-center. It is an evidence-based instructional coaching model that shifts the focus from ‘fixing’ teachers to collaborating with them to design instruction that targets student outcomes. Join Diane Sweeney for a webinar that will highlight a collection of coaching practices that are outcomes-based and student-centered. This session is recommended for K-12 instructional coaches in any area of specialization, principals, and district leaders.

Confronting the Crisis of Engagement

Monday, September 19, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Douglas Reeves

In order for learning, teaching, and leadership to succeed, relationships through effective engagement must come first. As the world continues to recover from the global pandemic, teachers and school leaders face the daunting challenge of re-engaging students, academically and behaviorally. This webinar will provide the practical tools needed to improve collaboration between students, teachers, and leaders for better engagement. When students are engaged with peers and adults they develop the skills necessary to organize and focus – essential for success in secondary school, post-secondary education, and the world
beyond school.
