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2 Results Found for "Professional Learning"

Developing Expert Learners

Monday, February 4, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by Michael McDowell

We strive to empower our students to lead their own inquiry, discover knowledge, and construct approaches to solving real-life challenges. Often, though, we make the mistake of designing learning experiences that burden students with the unrealistic expectation of expertise that hasn’t yet been developed. The solution: proper scaffolding for surface, deep, and transfer learning. In this webinar, Michael McDowell will discuss practices that strategically support students as they move from novices to experts in core academics.

Teach Like Yourself: Why Your Students Need You to Be You

Monday, November 26, 2018 - 3:30pm

Presented by Gravity Goldberg

In this time when everyone seems to have an opinion or quick fix for what teachers need to do, it is time to hold on even tighter to your own core values and beliefs. When you are your most authentic teacher self you give permission for your students to be the same and the real work of learning can happen. Your students don’t need scripted lessons or gimmicks. They need you to align your teaching practice to your core values, build balanced relationships, drive your own professional growth, and practice self-care. Attend this webinar from Gravity Goldberg for special insight on how to use your gifts to be the teacher you’re uniquely intended to be.