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66 Results Found for "professional learning"


Know Thy Impact

Thursday, September 19, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by John Hattie

Evidence lies at the heart of Visible Learning. In fact, one of the key starting points of Visible Learning involves school leaders having robust discussions about what impact means in their schools, which includes an understanding of where students are in their learning, what progress looks like, and how to determine next steps. Essentially, “knowing thy impact” means connecting what educators do with what happens to learners. In this webinar, Professor John Hattie will discuss why it's important to “know thy impact” and how to implement a cycle of inquiry, evaluation, and implementation into your school.

Where Equity Fits In to PLC+

Monday, March 23, 2020 - 3:30pm

Presented by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey

Equity lies at the heart of what we strive to achieve in schools. But equity cannot be accomplished without action. Professional learning communities can be engines for action, but only if they are intentionally attuned to issues of equity. Join Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey in this webinar focused on the PLC+ structure’s cross-cutting value of equity, which marries concept with action to change the trajectory of student learning.

A Joint Panel Discussion with Corwin Authors and NWEA Researchers: Leading Instruction and Assessment from a Distance

Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - 12:00pm

Presented by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Hattie, Chase Nordengren, and Dominique Smith

Corwin and NWEA are proud to present a special panel discussion with Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Hattie, and Chase Nordengren on the school leader’s role in leading instruction and assessment in distance learning. Join moderator Dominique Smith as we discuss how schools can use specific instructional strategies and assessment tools to meet the needs of students and teachers both in the classroom and as part of the remote learning environment to help close learning gaps, restore greater equity, and get all kids back on track towards reaching their highest growth potential.

Adverse Childhood Experiences: Trauma-Informed Strategies for Teacher and Student Well-Being

Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 12:00pm

Presented by Ricky Robertson

Every member of a school staff has a role to play in creating an environment conducive to optimal teaching, learning and well-being. Ricky Robertson focuses on a whole-staff approach to foster resilience in both students living with ACEs and the professionals who work with them in Canada’s rural and urban schools.

New York 3:00pm EDT | London 8:00pm BST | Singapore 3:00am SGT |  Melbourne 6:00am AEDT

Learn, CA! State Legislators’ Priorities

Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 10:00am

Stay up-to-date on how state legislation, budget, and K-12 priorities will impact your school or district

Hosted by Aaron Heintzman, Senior Professional Learning Advisor, Corwin

 Teaching Sprints: How Overloaded Educators Can Keep Getting Better

Monday, June 7, 2021 - 3:30pm

Presented by Simon Breakspear

In this research-informed and highly practical webinar, Simon will provide fresh insights and a new approach to support teacher professional learning. The Teaching Sprints approach is used by hundreds of schools and thousands of educators to engage with robust evidence and enhance expertise. Come and explore how this simple and effective approach might help you to enhance the impact of your teacher collaborative time/PLCs.

Launching and Sustaining Powerful Equity Work

Wednesday, April 28, 2021 - 1:00pm

Presented by Dr. Trudy T. Arriaga, Benjie Howard, Grant Twyman

We are in the midst of a triple pandemic: COVID-19, inequities exposed through distance learning, and increased urgency around racial justice. Educational leaders are called to serve the needs of our most vulnerable and marginalized students and families, and at the same time we are obligated to navigate invigorated pushback and misinformation regarding equity, inclusion, and excellence in public education. This webinar provides strategies for growing an expansive consensus among teachers, parents, building leaders, school boards, community leaders, students and local media — a consensus that empowers courageous, long-term equity work. The webinar will be led by Corwin Deep Equity experts and superintendents and EDI professionals.

Race Resilience: Achieving Equity Through Self and Systems Transformation

Monday, November 8, 2021 - 3:30pm

Presented by Victoria E. Romero, Amber N. Warner, and Justin Hendrickson

Race is always sitting in the classroom. Systems change when the people in them change. As schools engage in courageous conversations about how racialization and racial positioning influences thinking, behaviors, and expectations, many educators still lack the resources to start this challenging and personally transformative work.

Maximizing Impact: The Power of Implementation

Monday, February 10, 2020 - 3:00pm

Presented by John Hattie

Once you know your impact, how do you maximize it? As the Visible Learning research states, there are a multitude of influences that make an impact on student achievement. But what accelerates learning most is focusing on the influences that maximize impact. In this webinar, Professor John Hattie will share how to use the DIIE (diagnosis, intervention, implementation, and evaluation) model to ensure teachers are building a variety of instructional approaches to maximize the skill, will, and thrill of learning.

Start Your Fall Math Instruction Strong by Working Collaboratively:  Implementing a MWSA and Partnering With Families

Monday, September 27, 2021 - 3:30pm

Presented by Karen Karp, Sarah Bush, Barbara Dougherty, and Hilary Kreisberg

This fall is an ideal time for schools and districts to take a more cohesive, collaborative, and community-oriented approach to mathematics learning. Discover the benefits of working closely with colleagues through a Mathematics Whole School Agreement (MWSA) and the advantages that partnering with families has on children’s mathematics development.
