How to Grade for Learning After the Pandemic
Monday, November 29, 2021 - 3:30pm PST
The basic principles of grading for learning didn't change because of the pandemic, but we learned some valuable lessons from pandemic schooling. This webinar with Ken O'Connor will focus on how to grade for learning through CALM grading and what pandemic schooling showed that we should continue, what we should stop, and what we should start.
Participants will understand
• Why and how grading should be CALM
• What we learned about How To Grade for Learning from pandemic schooling
• What grading practices should continue, start, and stop
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New York 6:30pm EST | London 11:30pm GMT | Singapore 7:30am SGT+1 | Melbourne 10:30am AEDT+1
We wish we could bring all of us together at a convenient time. If you're not able to make it, just register and we'll send you the recording afterwards.