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Literacy Rich Tasks

At Corwin Literacy, we believe ALL students should have the opportunity to be successful – and all teachers should have access to tools that help them design rich, meaningful literacy opportunities for their students. Please enjoy our gift of FREE, grade-specific, standards-aligned, rich literacy tasks.

Complimentary literacy tasks

This collection of literacy tasks addresses key content at each grade level to help all students develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.

What’s more, these tasks

  • Fit within any literacy curriculum
  • Scaffold learners with teacher modeling, partner practice, and independent work
  • Offer a format that makes them accessible to all learners
  • Invite students to do the work that leads to agency and transfer
  • Encourage collaboration, discussion, and deep thinking

Developed by Corwin authors, each task includes special guidance for teachers, including:

  • The literacy topic or standards-aligned goal
  • Description of the task and materials needed
  • Sample language for introducing and facilitating the task
  • Suggestions for teacher modeling, partner practice, and independent practice
  • Ideas for in-the-moment assessment, differentiation, and extension activities

Finally, you’ll find a tool to help you adapt ANY task from your textbook or online to better foster access and equity, align to rigorous literacy goals, and use formative assessment to move learning forward.