"A distinct contribution to the field. It opens the eyes and minds of educators everywhere. Dr. Obiakor provides many opportunities for self-reflection, discussion, and learning from one another through actual cases, educating and re-educating teachers to be aware and accepting of students, no matter what their cultural, racial, linguistic, or socioeconomic differences."
"An eye-opener for all educators, parents, and those concerned with the education of children, addressing issues of cultural diversity in today’s classrooms. It provides a road map for success."
"A well-written book that discusses an issue that has become more and more relevant to today’s schools. It challenges readers to examine themselves and reflect on their personal practices and beliefs. As an administrator in a culturally diverse school district, I highly recommend this book for use with students in schools of education and in courses with teachers currently teaching."
"I find a lot of strengths in Dr. Obiakor’s books . . . strengths that will help teachers and administrators revise and implement school curriculum for maximizing the academic potential of students in multicultural schools."