"The success of a school district is determined at least in part by the ability of the school board and superintendent to develop a constructive working relationship. This book provides practical insights and useful ideas that will prove to be helpful to district leaders who are serious about keeping the educational interest of children first among their priorities."
"The authors of Effective Superintendent-School Board Practices have filled a gap in the literature by providing a practical, experience-based look at how superintendents should approach the most important relationship in their professional lives. Working effectively with school boards is what it is all about and this book shows you how."
"A wonderful, clear, and jargon-free primer on how to be a successful superintendent. Not only is this book must reading for anyone who aspires to be a superintendent, it would be a real plus for school boards. As a former school board member myself, I would have benefited from having a better understanding of the myriad challenges facing the superintendent."
"This book is a must 'read-and-keep' for students interested in the superintendency as well as new and mature superintendents. An outstanding fieldbook for those interested in down-to-earth strategies needed to navigate the complexities of providing leadership in school districts."
"This book is a very useful tool in building school district governance teams. The collective wisdom of the authors will provide valuable insight to superintendents and school board members alike as they strive to provide a high-quality education for all of the children in their districts."
"An easy-to-read guide that can be referred to again and again by current and aspiring superintendents and board members."
"...clearly lays out the important role the superintendent has in leading the district in partnership with the board of education. This book is loaded with practical tips and pearls of wisdom. It is an easy read with loads of good examples...well worth the time of every current and aspiring superintendent and school board member!"