"Gifted children are often at risk of losing the essence of their giftedness in a sea of accountability. This book serves as a tool kit for the discovery and growth of giftedness. It provides specific strategies for educators and parents whose goal is to understand and nurture the giftedness of the children in their charge. Sisk's words go to the heart of what giftedness is all about and lead to true understanding by parents, educators, and the children themselves."
"This book is long overdue. Not only does it provide research that supports the author's work, it also includes descriptions and case studies of students that I felt akin to, along with ideas and activities that address all of these challenges. This book is a must for classroom teachers, university professors, and parents."
“Dorothy Sisk is a venerable giant in the field of gifted education. Teachers will find this volume a gold mine of effective classroom strategies to develop the affective domain. Anyone interested in the emotional development of the gifted will be delighted by this book.”
"Seamlessly weaves together research studies with personal narrative to illuminate the complex inner world of gifted students. The book explores not only the unique sensitivities and social-emotional challenges of the gifted, but also their deep empathy, intuitiveness, and keen awareness of the moral and spiritual realm."