“Jan Olsson uses his experience as a teacher and administrator to offer educators and community leaders a must-read, what-works-and-what-doesn’t book on character development in schools. This exceptionally well-organized, practical, and very impressive work should be on every administrator’s and character educator’s desk. Olsson redefines the lens through which educators view the factors that impact school climate, teacher-student relationships, student behavior, and ultimately the character development of young people.”
"This is a book that's been needed in the character education movement for a long time, one written by a principal who's been leading the way. Jan Olsson lives up to his title by keeping it simple and by keeping it real while showing us how we can help junior high and high school students develop their character without sacrificing academic standards. It's easy to read, well organized, and, most important, contains hundreds of practical strategies that work."
"Nuts-and-bolts advice supported by real-life examples makes Jan Olsson’s how-to manual an invaluable tool for school leaders. There are gems of wisdom here you won’t find in other character education guides."