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Project-Based Learning

We want students to develop love of learning through hands-on/minds-on experiences that are relevant to them and their world. Project-based learning (PBL) is the gold standard for providing those types of learning experiences. Jorge Valenzuela’s approach takes PBL to the next level by incorporating not only rigorous curriculum and evidence-based instruction, but also social-emotional learning themes to nurture the whole child. The result is world-class learning experiences every day, for every student.

Available Services

  • Keynotes

  • Workshops

  • Implementation support

  • Coaching support


kids working together on activity


Designed for: teachers, instructional supervisors

Grade levels: PreK-12

Solution for: effective instruction, integrating social-emotional learning into core
instruction, STEM, student engagement

Delivery options: onsite consulting, virtual consulting

Thought leader: Jorge Valenzuela

Related Professional Learning: Teacher Clarity, Social-Emotional Learning




Teachers will:

  • Understand the elements of high-quality project-based learning
  • Understand the basics of the CASEL 5 (for SEL) and emotional intelligence
  • Use knowledge of students to inform teaching
  • Adapt projects but make them your own
  • Use feedback protocols to improve student work


What You’ll Learn

These workshops use a research-informed framework for improving teaching using project-based learning (PBL) and developing teachers’ emotional intelligence skills to help anchor instructional processes and decisions.

Participants will be able to:

kids reading

  • Identify and explain the elements of the Getting Started with PBL Framework for developing research-informed projects
  • Consider the most appropriate social and emotional learning (SEL) for students in their unique classroom
  • Design an empathy map for connecting with students and making relevant instructional decisions
  • Investigate and explain the power of labeling and journaling to boost emotional intelligence (EQ) skills for learners
  • Apply a single-point rubric and feedback protocol to understand how to provide actionable feedback to learners

Available Services

The Corwin Professional Learning Services team provides customized professional learning plans based on the needs and goals of your school or district for developing LGBTQ-affirming environments. As part of our commitment to client support, our professional learning advisors and author consultants can provide a confidential needs assessment and make recommendations for sequencing workshops, implementation support, and coaching.

Keynotes and Workshops

A Simple, Effective Framework for Infusing SEL in PBL (1-Day Workshop)

This interactive session provides a research-informed framework for getting started with PBL and a few strategies for defining and organizing the student experience that can considerably improve academic and SEL outcomes. Through coaching and modeling, participants will learn to apply practices from the Getting Started with PBL framework promoting empathy for students, feedback protocols, and emotional intelligence skills. These tools and resources are readily adaptable for educators to create the conditions for learning to stick and continue after projects.

Using PBL to Boost Academic and Social-Emotional Learning (4-Day Workshop)

In this extended professional development, teachers take an action research approach to learning how they can leverage the power of PBL to assist students in developing deeper learning of academic and social, and emotional (SEL) skills. By engaging in learning walks and a high-level data debrief, participants will learn to use the 'Getting Started with Project Based Learning Framework' to provide learners with relevant academic and SEL that are unique to the needs in their school setting.

Additionally, they will complete a two-day training with an SEL-infused PBL unit they can implement with students and will receive an additional day of support after project implementation.


Contact Your Professional Learning Advisor

Corwin Professional Learning Advisors help you build a sustainable implementation blueprint for high-impact professional learning that is uniquely tailored to your school or district. Complete this form to request a free consultation about your initiatives, goals, budget, and needs.

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