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118 Results Found for "C19"


Improv Games to Engage Students in Mathematical Discussions
Improv Games to Engage Students in Mathematical Discussions

"In our work, we help teachers support rich, inclusive mathematical discussions among all students. For these discussions to happen, a classroom culture must be developed based on what are often new norms for mathematics class: that students should listen to each other, not just the teacher; that mistakes are OK, even welcomed, as students search for mathematical truth together. New norms take time and deliberate effort to develop."

Read more from Jennifer Knudsen, author of Mathematical Argumentation in Middle School-The What, Why, and How, on Corwin Connect.

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The Importance of Debriefing in Learning and What That Might Look Like in the Classroom
The Importance of Debriefing in Learning and What That Might Look Like in the Classroom

"Debriefing is a daily exercise in most professions: business, politics, law enforcement, psychology, healthcare, law, etc. It is often seen as integral to the profession as members reflect on their learning experiences, track their progress, and name their understandings. In truth, debriefing is accepted as an everyday necessity in order for the professional to advance in his/her practice."

Read more from Margie Pearse, author of Teaching Numeracy, on Corwin Connect.

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Unpacking the Practice: Anticipating Student Responses
Unpacking the Practice: Anticipating Student Responses

This practice activity from The Five Practices in Practice, Elementary, by Margaret “Peg” Smith, Victoria Bill, and Miriam Gamoran Sherin involves thinking about different ways students might solve the task, planning to respond to students using assessing and advancing questions, and preparing to notice key aspects of students’ thinking in the midst of instruction. 


How to: Keeping the Entire Class Engaged and Accountable During Individual Presentations
How to: Keeping the Entire Class Engaged and Accountable During Individual Presentations

This handy chart from The Five Practices in Practice, Elementary, by Margaret “Peg” Smith, Victoria Bill, and Miriam Gamoran Sherin identifies a set of moves that teachers can make to hold students accountable for attending to mathematics discussions and presentations.


Why You Need to Teach Students to Mathematize
Why You Need to Teach Students to Mathematize

In this introduction from Mathematize It!, Grades 3-5, the authors clearly define mathematizing and explain why it is critically important in order for students to make accurate and meaningful connections between word problems and the operations that can solve them, developing and strengthening their operation sense.


Hinge Question Implementation Tool
Hinge Question Implementation Tool

This Hinge Question Implementation Tool from The Formative 5 helps you to organize your thoughts around a single hinge question in order to better assess your students' progress and define next steps for their continued learning.


Classroom Observation Checklist
Classroom Observation Checklist

Use this observation checklist from The Formative 5 to organize your observations of your students' progress in the classroom related to a specific task. 


6 Tips to Prepare You for Teaching Mathematics in Middle School
6 Tips to Prepare You for Teaching Mathematics in Middle School

You want to teach mathematics to students in the middle grades—but are you ready? Early adolescents have very unique characteristics that you need to be aware of and can capitalize on to facilitate productive lessons. Here are 6 tips from Lois Williams, author of The Mathematics Lesson-Planning Handbook, Grades 6-8, for teaching mathematics in the middle grades that capitalize on middle school students’ characteristics.

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Multiplying & Dividing Fractions Lesson
Multiplying & Dividing Fractions Lesson

Students apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions using this lesson from The Common Core Mathematics Companion, 3-5. (Elementary)

Ratios and Proportional Relationships Lesson
Ratios and Proportional Relationships Lesson

Using this lesson from The Common Core Mathematics Companion, 6-8, students analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems (Secondary).

Classroom Formative Assessment Matrix
Classroom Formative Assessment Matrix

Learn how to use this Matrix featured in Realizing Rigor to refine strategies and select student actions. (Secondary)
