Use this tool from The Novice Advantage by Jonathan Eckert to think through your PLN and how you can make it even better.
Use this tool from The Novice Advantage by Jonathan Eckert to think through your PLN and how you can make it even better.
Use this tool from Chapter 1 of Challenging Mindset to learn more about the impact your mindset can have and the next steps toward change.
This resource from A Guide to Documenting Learning provides guidance for participating in blogging challenges, which provide opportunities to develop your documenting skills.
Use this worksheet from Powerful Task Design by John Antonetti and Terri Stice with your students to engage students deeply in their learning and reading.
Answer these important questions from The Co-Teacher's Playbook with your co-teacher team in order to set clear expectations and boundaries and to better understand each other as a team.
Complete this activity from The Co-Teacher's Playbook as a co-teaching team to take stock of your individual strengths and goals in order to better understand how you can better work together.
Use this Global Citizen Passport from Tavangar and Mladic-Morales’s The Global Education Toolkit for Elementary Learners as an interactive keepsake for your next global activity. (Elementary)
This resource from Real Talk About Time Management will help teachers organize their classroom.
This 'think sheet' from SEL From a Distance for younger students teaches them to reflect on their behavior.
Download this book study discussion guide for Rebound & Leading the Rebound for leader and participant book study tips, plus printable worksheets for the whole staff.
Use this self-reflection tool from Teaching the Whole Teen by Rachel Poliner and Jeffrey Benson with your students to help them to discover ways that they could be more collaborative and develop a growth mindset in their collaboration skills.
Try out these three instructional strategies on leveraging visuals from Marcia Tate's Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites.