Excerpted from Thinking Through Project-Based Learning, this list of over 75 project ideas—complete with guiding questions and grade ranges—is a great resource for getting started. (K-12)
Excerpted from Thinking Through Project-Based Learning, this list of over 75 project ideas—complete with guiding questions and grade ranges—is a great resource for getting started. (K-12)
Try out these screencasting tools from Creating Media for Learning if you want to learn how to make quality instructional videos.
Compliments of Creating Media for Learning, find here four easy e-book tools for helping students showcase what they know.
Get started with QR Codes, Augmented Reality, and other scannable technology in your classroom with this handy graphic from Deeper Learning Through QR Codes and Augmented Reality.
Use these strategies from Developing Expert Learners to present misconceptions, paradoxes, metaphors, and different models to evoke dissonance in your students and test and challenge their prior knowledge.
Try out these inquiry peer observation methods from Experience Inquiry with your students to further develop their question-asking and question-seeking.
In the following pages from Think Like Socrates, discover a new way to foster group writing with your students. Featured is a step-by-step lesson plan with directions on how to use.
In this lesson from Think Like Socrates, author Shanna Peeples provides complex texts for various grade levels and includes critical questions for debate and discussion amongst your students.
This resource from Disruptive Classroom Technologies will guide you to set goals for the use and integration of digital tools in your classroom at three levels of mastery: beginning, developing, and mastering.
In this chapter from The Blended Learning Blueprint for Elementary Teachers, consider how you can move from differentiation to personalized learning, design personalized pathways, and make those pathways work.
Discover in this resource from Concept-Based Inquiry in Action by Carla Marschall and Rachel French the phases of concept-based inquiry and how they are interconnected to support learning transfer.
This excerpt from Tools for Teaching Conceptual Understanding, Secondary, makes the case for conceptual learning and debunks the myth that simply covering the material will cause students to retain it.