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118 Results Found for "Mathematics"


Establishing Norms for Mathematical Argumentation
Establishing Norms for Mathematical Argumentation

"In the past, and even many classrooms today, a math class involved the teacher presenting a lesson, then students practicing the procedures therein, and the teacher correcting students along the way. But things are changing!"

Read more from Teresa Lara-Meloy, author of Mathematical Argumentation in Middle School-The What, Why, and How, on Corwin Connect.

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Culturally Relevant Mathematics Task Dimensions
Culturally Relevant Mathematics Task Dimensions

View the three culturally relevant mathematics task dimensions.


Webinar: Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom
Webinar: Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom

Learn the strategies that build conceptual understanding of mathematical ideas and problem solving to help students demonstrate more than a year's worth of growth for every year spent in school. John Almarode and Kateri Thunder, authors of Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning ClassroomGrades K-2 and Grades 3-5, help participants learn how. By using the right approach at the right time you can design classroom experiences that maximize mathematics learning.

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Improv Games to Engage Students in Mathematical Discussions
Improv Games to Engage Students in Mathematical Discussions

"In our work, we help teachers support rich, inclusive mathematical discussions among all students. For these discussions to happen, a classroom culture must be developed based on what are often new norms for mathematics class: that students should listen to each other, not just the teacher; that mistakes are OK, even welcomed, as students search for mathematical truth together. New norms take time and deliberate effort to develop."

Read more from Jennifer Knudsen, author of Mathematical Argumentation in Middle School-The What, Why, and How, on Corwin Connect.

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Culturally Relevant Mathematics Task-Building Actions
Culturally Relevant Mathematics Task-Building Actions

Read the culturally relevant mathematics task-building actions.


6 Tips to Prepare You for Teaching Mathematics in Middle School
6 Tips to Prepare You for Teaching Mathematics in Middle School

You want to teach mathematics to students in the middle grades—but are you ready? Early adolescents have very unique characteristics that you need to be aware of and can capitalize on to facilitate productive lessons. Here are 6 tips from Lois Williams, author of The Mathematics Lesson-Planning Handbook, Grades 6-8, for teaching mathematics in the middle grades that capitalize on middle school students’ characteristics.

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Constructing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for Mathematics
Constructing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for Mathematics

In this sample excerpt from The Mathematics Lesson-Planning Handbook, Grades 6-8, learn how to construct your own learning intentions and success criterias for your mathematics lesson plans. These intentions help students take ownership of their learning.


Why You Need to Teach Students to Mathematize
Why You Need to Teach Students to Mathematize

In this introduction from Mathematize It!, Grades 3-5, the authors clearly define mathematizing and explain why it is critically important in order for students to make accurate and meaningful connections between word problems and the operations that can solve them, developing and strengthening their operation sense.

