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2 Results Found for "Professional Learning"

Show & Tell: A Video Column / Rebuilding Teacher Efficacy
Show & Tell: A Video Column / Rebuilding Teacher Efficacy

The damaging message inferred from the learning-loss narrative is that educators' "extraordinary commitments" and dedicated "talents, energy, and resources" last year were all for naught.

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Introducing the Leaders in Our Study
Introducing the Leaders in Our Study

We were privileged to learn from a diverse group of teachers, administrators, former leadership students, and other professionals in the field. Our hope was not, per se, to generate a book of best practices culled from the most successful, most accomplished justice-centering leaders out there (although we do, we are happy to report, get to recount many promising strategies and approaches!). Rather, we were interested in learning from leaders across the widest possible range of perspectives, identities, experiences, roles, geographies, and ways of knowing that we could at the time.

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