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28 Results Found for "leadership"


Webinar: What's Deep About Deep Learning
Webinar: What's Deep About Deep Learning

The time for debate has passed. We need to transform learning now. In New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Joanne Quinn and Michael Fullan have discovered that when we transform learning, we also transform lives because deep learning is meaningful, gives purpose, and unleashes potential. The challenge is how to make this shift for all students. . . in all classrooms. . . in all schools. In this webinar, Quinn and Fullan explore this shift and introduce to participants the tools, tips, and strategies for realizing deep learning.


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Webinar: CLARITY: What Matters Most in Learning, Teaching, and Leading
Webinar: CLARITY: What Matters Most in Learning, Teaching, and Leading

Join Lyn Sharratt, author of CLARITY,  in this three-part webinar, in which she describes how Clarity can be realized in 1. Learning, 2. Teaching, and 3. Leading. Lyn promises no silver bullets; after all, there are none. The real power of data, she insists, resides in the “aha” outcomes of collaborative conversations with, and ‘roll-up-your sleeves’ work by ALL stakeholders, focused on students’ faces, as data today is instruction tomorrow.

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Webinar: Building a Curious School
Webinar: Building a Curious School

Learn from Bryan Goodwin, author of Building a Curious School, how schools have “flipped the script” on improvement efforts—not by forcing rigid compliance with mandates or implementation of external programs, but by unleashing what’s already inside everyone—students and teachers alike—and waiting to come out: curiosity.

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Webinar: De-Implementation
Webinar: De-Implementation

In this presentation, Peter DeWitt focuses on de-implementation, which is the abandoning of low value practices (van Bodegom-Vos L.). Tackling the challenge of overwork, he shares the different forms de-implementation can take and when it makes sense to use a formalized process to lessen waste, increase results, and support major school improvement efforts.

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Webinar: 7 Mindshifts for School Leaders
Webinar: 7 Mindshifts for School Leaders

How do we think about the most vexing problems in education? In this webinar, you will hear how applying new mindshifts can re-energize your belief that you can solve long-standing problems in education. New ways of thinking about old problems like equity, teacher retention, grading, and reading ability will unlock the solutions you’ve been looking for.

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Webinar: Putting FACES on the Data
Webinar: Putting FACES on the Data

Celebrating the newly published 10th Anniversary Edition of Putting FACES on the Data, Lyn Sharratt and Michael Fullan bring together their exciting work over the last ten years and will cover fresh case studies and research that will help you think about data and competencies and how they come together to improve system, school, and student performance.

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Webinar: Collaborative Leadership
Webinar: Collaborative Leadership

Gain insight from Peter DeWitt, author of Collaborative Leadership, on how a collaborative approach can transform leadership practice and empower others. 

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Webinar: Collaborative Leadership: 6 Influences That Matter Most
Webinar: Collaborative Leadership: 6 Influences That Matter Most

Join Peter DeWitt, author of Collaborative Leadership, as he uncovers actionable steps that leaders can take to foster growth in teachers and focus more on student learning. 

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Webinar: What Impact School Leadership Looks Like
Webinar: What Impact School Leadership Looks Like

Learn from Ray and Julie Smith, authors of Impact Coaching, how leaders can improve leadership impact by more strategically allocating professional leadership time and resources. 

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Webinar: Navigating the Toughest Leadership Issues in Education
Webinar: Navigating the Toughest Leadership Issues in Education

Gain insight and strategies from Brad Gustafson, author of Renegade Leadership, and Bill Ziegler, author of Future Focused Leaders, on how to overcome some of the most pressing issues school leaders face today.

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