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137 Results Found for "leadership"


Webinar: De-Implementation
Webinar: De-Implementation

In this presentation, Peter DeWitt focuses on de-implementation, which is the abandoning of low value practices (van Bodegom-Vos L.). Tackling the challenge of overwork, he shares the different forms de-implementation can take and when it makes sense to use a formalized process to lessen waste, increase results, and support major school improvement efforts.

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Preface: From Flawed Thinking to New Mindshifts
Preface: From Flawed Thinking to New Mindshifts

"The way we see the problem is the problem. —Stephen Covey (1989)"

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Figure 3.1 Leaders’ Inquiry About the Quality of Teaching
Figure 3.1 Leaders’ Inquiry About the Quality of Teaching

"Leaders can evaluate the quality of teaching by asking the four sets of questions implied by this definition. The questions focus on (1) intended learning outcomes, (2) alignment, (3) student engagement, and (4) student success."

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Chapter 1: Three Proper Purposes of Education
Chapter 1: Three Proper Purposes of Education

"In a world where the responsibilities of educational leaders are constantly expanding, where today’s to-do list is displaced by unanticipated crises, interruptions, and new external demands, it is easy for educational leaders to lose sight of what, among all the important things they could be doing, is more important than the rest."

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Preface: Education Leadership Matters
Preface: Education Leadership Matters

"Until we solve the problem of developing and retaining more excellent educational leaders, we will struggle to reduce the long-standing disparities in student outcomes that plague many Western education systems."

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Leading With a Crisis Mindset
Leading With a Crisis Mindset

"There are two prevailing issues with how we work to solve problems in education..."

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The Cultural Proficiency Leadership Rubric
The Cultural Proficiency Leadership Rubric

Use this rubric from Now What? to assess where you are and where you want to go on your Cultural Proficiency journey.


Podcast: How De-Implementation Can Ease Overwork
Podcast: How De-Implementation Can Ease Overwork

Peter Dewitt discusses the concept of de-implementation and why it’s a term that should be on every leader’s mind.

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Chapter 1: Skillful Intentional Leadership
Chapter 1: Skillful Intentional Leadership

In the first chapter of Intentional Moves, explore the four key tenets of a skillful approach, the 10 skillful team leader (STL) primary intentions, the STLs highligheted in the book, how the book is structured, and more. 

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What is Curriculum-Based Professional Learning
What is Curriculum-Based Professional Learning

"This work resulted in a core set of research-based actions, approaches, and enabling conditions that effective schools and systems have put in place to reinforce and amplify the power of high-quality curriculum and skillful teaching. We call these the Elements of curriculum-based professional learning, or simply the Elements." - Transforming Teaching Through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning

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