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130 Results Found for "literacy"


What Is Balanced Literacy?
What Is Balanced Literacy?

Students learn to read and write best when their teachers balance literacy instruction. But how do you strike the right balance of skills and knowledge, reading and writing, small and whole group instruction, and direct and dialogic instruction, so that all students can learn to their maximum potential? Watch this video with Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Nancy Akhavan, authors of This Is Balanced Literacy, Grades K-6, as they answer the question: What is balanced literacy? 

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A Conceptual Boost to Literacy Instruction
A Conceptual Boost to Literacy Instruction

Tiffanee Brown, co-author of Concept-Based Literacy Lessons, writes in this blog how, in a Concept-Based Literacy classroom, teaching skills is not the end goal in and of itself. Rather, the skills are taught to exemplify a bigger idea or Understanding about important literacy processes.

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Webinar: This Is Balanced Literacy
Webinar: This Is Balanced Literacy

What factors come to mind when you hear the term “Balanced Literacy?” It is a term that has been used (and misused) for so long that it has lost meaning. Join the authors of This Is Balanced Literacy, Grades K-6, for as they outline the essential evidence-based approaches that define the balance for your students, lighting the path for you to implement true balanced literacy in your classroom.

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Reclaiming Balanced Literacy for Higher Learning
Reclaiming Balanced Literacy for Higher Learning

Douglas Fisher, co-author of This Is Balanced Literacy, explains how the term "balanced literacy" today is used to describe instructional arrangements. A simple Internet search for “balanced literacy” will result in a wide range of graphics that indicate that whole class and small group instruction must be in balance. But that’s not where the term originally comes from.

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The Role of Assessment in Balanced Literacy
The Role of Assessment in Balanced Literacy

"Balanced literacy is more than grouping students. But grouping for instruction is important and, sadly, neglected." Read more from Nancy Frey, co-author of This Is Balanced Literacy, on Corwin Connect. 

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Literacy-Rich Activites for At-Home Instruction
Literacy-Rich Activites for At-Home Instruction

Molly Ness, author of Every Minute Matters, has devised ways to make her literacy rich activities doable at home, so families, teachers, and kids can still have fun with literacy, even at a distance.


Gradual Release of Responsibility Within Your Balanced Literacy Groups
Gradual Release of Responsibility Within Your Balanced Literacy Groups

Read how you can enact a gradual release of responsibilty within your Balanced Literacy groups in this blog post from Nancy Akhavan, co-author of This Is Balanced Literacy

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Meeting the Challenges of Early Literacy Phonics Instruction
Meeting the Challenges of Early Literacy Phonics Instruction

"The question of whether to include phonics instruction has been resolved. The answer is yes." Read the full article by A Fresh Look at Phonics author Wiley Blevins, published by the International Literacy Association.

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Letter from the Authors
Letter from the Authors

In this letter from This Is Balanced Literacy, Grades K-6, by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Nancy Akhavan, the authors briefly discuss their view of what balanced literacy is and the impact it can have on teaching and learning.


Try This: Independent Disciplinary Reading
Try This: Independent Disciplinary Reading

Use these ideas for indpendent disciplinary reading from Disciplinary Literacy in Action to inspire a schoolwide culture of independent reading.

