Debbie Diller will show teachers how to create and sustain meaningful, engaging literacy stations that grow and change as their students develop new skills, and as instructional time shifts.
Debbie Diller will show teachers how to create and sustain meaningful, engaging literacy stations that grow and change as their students develop new skills, and as instructional time shifts.
Learn from Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Dominique Smith, authors of Engagement by Design, engaging and concrete strategies that create a classroom culture rooted in relationships, clarity, and challenge.
Go the distance with Gravity Goldberg and Renee Houser, authors of What Do I Teach Readers Tomorrow? Fiction and Nonfiction, Grades 3-8, and learn how to build comprehension and stong, independent readers.
Explore with Gravity Goldberg, author of Mindsets and Moves, what deters independent readers and what teachers can do to better support their students.
Hear from Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey about their one-of-a-kind coaching platform for making proficient reading the next PD initiative across all K-12 classrooms.
Explore with Jim Burke the ways educators can prepare students for Common Core Assessments without undermining daily instruction.
Join Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, authors of the bestselling Rigorous Reading, as they articulate an instructional plan to support reading instruction within K-12 classrooms.
Learn from Harvey "Smokey" Daniels and Nancy Steineke, authors of Teaching the Social Skills of Academic Interaction, Grades 4-12, how to teach students the language and behavior of getting along.
Learn from Kathy Glass how to use ELA CC Standards to create rigorous, concept-driven curriculum.
Join Professor John Hattie as he discusses the importance of fostering an environment where students are encouraged to take ownership of their learning.
Uncover from Jeff Wilhelm and Adam Fachler, authors of Planning Powerful Instruction, Grades 6-12, the EMPOWER Method, a dynamic instructional framework that will transform how you plan so you can transform how your students learn.