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220 Results Found for "literacy"


Show & Tell: A Video Column / Why Do Students Disengage?
Show & Tell: A Video Column / Why Do Students Disengage?

Too often, we ascribe student barriers to learning in sweeping terms without looking closely at causes. That makes it impossible to see what we might do to make a positive impact. Better to flip the script and examine what’s getting in the way of learning, realizing that there are cognitive barriers to effective teaching.

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How Do I Keep Track of My Students’ Different Strengths and Next Steps as Readers?
How Do I Keep Track of My Students’ Different Strengths and Next Steps as Readers?

Utilize this resource to incorporate 3 types of forms in your classroom! These forms are useful tools to help record formative assessment notes.

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What Are Some Common Formative Assessment Methods?
What Are Some Common Formative Assessment Methods?

View the multiple methods and why they are powerful. (Note section included)


How Do I Approach Assessment From an Asset-Based Perspective?
How Do I Approach Assessment From an Asset-Based Perspective?

Learn about asset-based perspective and how to use it to reframe your thinking to promote student growth.

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What Is Formative Assessment in Reading Instruction?
What Is Formative Assessment in Reading Instruction?

Learn about formative assessment and why it is a great tool for reading teachers.

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3 Proven Strategies for Removing Labels From Students
3 Proven Strategies for Removing Labels From Students

Co-authors of Removing Labels Dominique Smith, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey share three strategies educators can take to reduce negative labeling of students.

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7 Factors Useful in Facilitating Student Collaboration From a Distance
7 Factors Useful in Facilitating Student Collaboration From a Distance

Co-authors of The Distance Learning Playbook Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey discuss 7 factors useful in facilitating student collaboration from a distance. 

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3 Aspects of Comprehension Instruction
3 Aspects of Comprehension Instruction

Co-authors of Comprehension Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey share three aspects of comprehension instruction that they believe are necessary to impact students’ thinking.

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Lessons Learned From ‘Quaranteaching’
Lessons Learned From ‘Quaranteaching’

The Distance Learning Playbook co-authors Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey discuss empathetic feedback and the feedback model called GREAT. 

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