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220 Results Found for "literacy"


The Essential Role of Feedback in Distance Learning
The Essential Role of Feedback in Distance Learning

"... To make up for these missing moments, I have begun to focus even more than normal this week on the one consistent area of interaction with my students that I have left: my feedback to their work."

Read the full blog from Matt Johnson, author of Flash Feedback, and his recommendations for providing feedback in a distance learning environment.

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The Distance Learning Companion to Every Child Can Write
The Distance Learning Companion to Every Child Can Write

In distance learning, caregivers and teachers partner more than ever to help students with writing. Melanie Meehan created this companion to Every Child Can Write for teachers to share with caregivers to help children develop their writing lives—even while learning at home. Each of the eight modules contains video clips that talk caregivers through tools for supporting their student writers, along with downloadable tools that can be used by teachers or caregivers.


Welcome and Overview
Welcome and Overview

In this excerpt from A Fresh Look at Phonics, author Wiley Blevins discusses his motivation for writing the book and describes the ways that its contents can be benefits to teachers, administrators, and coaches alike.


Meeting the Challenges of Early Literacy Phonics Instruction
Meeting the Challenges of Early Literacy Phonics Instruction

"The question of whether to include phonics instruction has been resolved. The answer is yes." Read the full article by A Fresh Look at Phonics author Wiley Blevins, published by the International Literacy Association.

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Introducing the Empower Canvas
Introducing the Empower Canvas

In this excerpt from Planning Powerful Instruction, Grades 2-5, the authors introduce and explain the EMPOWER framework that will empower your units and lessons for transformational teaching and learning.

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Listening and Speaking Activity
Listening and Speaking Activity

In this excerpt from Simply Stations: Listening and Speaking, author Debbie Diller guides teachers on how to transition from whole-group instruction to stations while addressing the Listening & Speaking standard “The student will listen activity & ask questions.” Practical examples and ideas for partner practice at stations are provided for primary grades (K-2) and intermediate grades (3-4). 


Text Structures from Poetry Introduction
Text Structures from Poetry Introduction

In this introduction from Text Structures from Poetry, Grades 4-12, Gretchen Bernabei explores her own past difficulties with teaching poetry, her insights from working with Laura Van Prooyen, and how to use this book to rethink and transform how you teach poetry to your students.


Planning Template
Planning Template

Use this planning template from Rigorous Reading to organize your purpose & modeling.

Webinar: Writers Read Better: Writers Read Better: The Writing-Reading Connection
Webinar: Writers Read Better: Writers Read Better: The Writing-Reading Connection

We know that writing skills reinforce reading skills, but what’s the best way to capitalize on this beneficial relationship? By flipping the traditional “reading lesson first, writing lesson second” sequence, Colleen Cruz, author of Writers Read Better: Narrative and Nonfiction, ingeniously helps you make the most of the writing-to-reading connection with carefully matched, conceptually connected lesson pairs. Attend this webinar to discover how you can do the same and establish a healthy reciprocity that effectively and efficiently develops students’ literacy skills.

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