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10 Results Found for "mathematics"

Culturally Relevant Mathematics Task Dimensions
Culturally Relevant Mathematics Task Dimensions

View the three culturally relevant mathematics task dimensions.


Culturally Relevant Mathematics Task-Building Actions
Culturally Relevant Mathematics Task-Building Actions

Read the culturally relevant mathematics task-building actions.


What Productive Struggle Is and Isn't
What Productive Struggle Is and Isn't

This free resource from Productive Math Struggle outlines how teachers can identify what is and isn't productive struggle. 




The foreword from Productive Math Struggle by Matt Larson introduces the topic of productive struggle and why it should be used in the classroom.



Content To Come March 2022
Content To Come March 2022

Free resources from Engaging in Culturally Relevant Math Tasks coming soon.


The Hope Wheel
The Hope Wheel

Learn about the Hope Wheel and its components.


Book Study
Book Study

Welcome to the book study for Productive Math Struggle. We have deliberately designed this book study to be collaborative so that most weeks the group is splitting the recommended in-class activities among the members of the book study.


Chapter 3
Chapter 3

In this chapter, learn how to keep small group members on track and how to select math routines.

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Free Resources Coming Soon
Free Resources Coming Soon

Free resources for Engaging in Culturally Relevant Math Tasks: Fostering Hope in the Middle and High School Classroom COMING SOON!


Tasks as Opportunities to Practice Culturally Relevant Teaching
Tasks as Opportunities to Practice Culturally Relevant Teaching

This excerpt offers a list of culturally relevant mathematics tasks and also provides an example of how student can find connections between mathematics and real life.

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