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4 Results Found for "student assessment"

Webinar: Building and Developing Assessment-Capable Learners
Webinar: Building and Developing Assessment-Capable Learners

Join Professor John Hattie as he discusses the importance of fostering an environment where students are encouraged to take ownership of their learning. 

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How Do I Keep Track of My Students’ Different Strengths and Next Steps as Readers?
How Do I Keep Track of My Students’ Different Strengths and Next Steps as Readers?

Utilize this resource to incorporate 3 types of forms in your classroom! These forms are useful tools to help record formative assessment notes.

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How Do I Approach Assessment From an Asset-Based Perspective?
How Do I Approach Assessment From an Asset-Based Perspective?

Learn about asset-based perspective and how to use it to reframe your thinking to promote student growth.

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Webinar: When is it Best to Teach to the Test?
Webinar: When is it Best to Teach to the Test?

Explore with Jim Burke the ways educators can prepare students for Common Core Assessments without undermining daily instruction. 

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