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15 Results Found for "technology"


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Webinar: Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times
Webinar: Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times

The educational landscape is evolving, thanks to continuous advances in technology and a changing learner. As a result, educators must recognize this shift, anticipate needed changes, and lead by example if we’re to meet the diverse needs of key stakeholders in the 21st Century. Watch Eric Sheninger, author of Digital Leadership, to learn how to harness the power of today’s digital tools and social media to improve communications, enhance public relations, establish a brand presence, increase student engagement, transform learning spaces, discover opportunity, and grow professionally like never before.

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Podcast: Leading 5 Generations in Your School With Mark White
Podcast: Leading 5 Generations in Your School With Mark White

In this far-reaching Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, Peter DeWitt and Mark White discuss how schools can leverage new technology to reach their youngest teachers and students, how to retain and attract more Millennials and Gen Z teachers, and how to move from managing to coaching with all generations

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