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15 Results Found for "technology"


Podcast: Leading 5 Generations in Your School With Mark White
Podcast: Leading 5 Generations in Your School With Mark White

In this far-reaching Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, Peter DeWitt and Mark White discuss how schools can leverage new technology to reach their youngest teachers and students, how to retain and attract more Millennials and Gen Z teachers, and how to move from managing to coaching with all generations

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Using a Portfolio to Document Remote Teaching Experience
Using a Portfolio to Document Remote Teaching Experience

"Teachers are learning a lot this year, and keeping a portfolio will help when it’s time to reflect on that learning." Read the full article by Monica Burns, author of #FormativeTech, on Edutopia.

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Webinar: Reclaiming Personalized Learning
Webinar: Reclaiming Personalized Learning

Paul France, author of Reclaiming Personalized Learning, spends time unpacking the many myths surrounding personalized learning and codifying a new vision that puts equity and our own humanity at the center.

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Webinar: Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times
Webinar: Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times

The educational landscape is evolving, thanks to continuous advances in technology and a changing learner. As a result, educators must recognize this shift, anticipate needed changes, and lead by example if we’re to meet the diverse needs of key stakeholders in the 21st Century. Watch Eric Sheninger, author of Digital Leadership, to learn how to harness the power of today’s digital tools and social media to improve communications, enhance public relations, establish a brand presence, increase student engagement, transform learning spaces, discover opportunity, and grow professionally like never before.

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Foreword from John Hattie
Foreword from John Hattie

This foreword from The School in the Cloud, by education researcher John Hattie, discusses how, with Sugata Mitra's model of schooling in the cloud, we can use the technologies that are now available to conceive of a totally different type of schooling.

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STEAM Education for Each and Every Student
STEAM Education for Each and Every Student

"In our work with schools and districts developing integrated STEAM infrastructures, we have found that STEAM instruction can deepen students’ mathematics and science learning, serve as an avenue to engage each and every student, and expose students to STEAM careers (Bush & Cook, 2019)."

Read more from Kristin Cook and Sarah Bush, authors of Step Into STEAM, Grades K-5, on Corwin Connect.

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Transformational Technology Use: Professional Goal-Setting Guide
Transformational Technology Use: Professional Goal-Setting Guide

This resource from Disruptive Classroom Technologies will guide you to set goals for the use and integration of digital tools in your classroom at three levels of mastery: beginning, developing, and mastering.


Sample Template for Designing a STEAM Unit Across Grade Levels
Sample Template for Designing a STEAM Unit Across Grade Levels

Use this template from the second edition of From STEM to STEAM to guide you as you design a STEAM unit across grade levels at your school.


What a STEAM Classroom Atmosphere Looks Like and Doesn’t Look Like
What a STEAM Classroom Atmosphere Looks Like and Doesn’t Look Like

Whether you will be building your STEAM physical space in your regular classroom setting, have an already-defined STEAM lab in your school, or are conceptualizing other ideas for STEAM physical spaces, consider the following excerpt from Step Into STEAM, Grades K-5, to understand what a STEAM classroom atmosphere looks like—and doesn’t look like. 


Checklist: Elements to Incorporate into your STEAM PBL
Checklist: Elements to Incorporate into your STEAM PBL

The following checklist from Step into STEAM, Grades K-5, includes the crucial elements to incorporate into your STEAM PBL as you embark on a STEAM inquiry using a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) framework.

