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A Holistic Approach to Stereotype Threat

Identity safety is an approach where educators create conditions for students of all backgrounds to achieve at high academic levels based on the assumption that each student is competent and capable and will thrive in an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion.

The Identity Safe Classrooms two-volume set is a call for educators to come together and realize a vision of schools as transformative places of opportunity and equity for all students. Together, Grades K-5 & 6-12 offer everyday strategies and stances that give us the power to adopt practices that provide students with an inviting and active membership in their classrooms and, consequently, a sense of agency in their educational experience.

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Identity Safe Classrooms K-5




Identity Safe Classrooms 6-12



Identity Safe Classrooms Bundle

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Accolades from Today’s Top Thought Leaders


      Zaretta Hammond      

Zaretta Hammond

“Dr. Becki Cohn-Vargas along with Alexandrea Creer Kahn and Amy Epstein show us the intersections between identity development, racial identity development, and social-emotional development so we know how to use the diversity in classrooms as our strength.



      Elena Aguilar      

Elena Aguilar

Identity Safe Classrooms should be in the hands of every educator who walks into a school. It's clear and accessible, grounded in research, thought-provoking and engaging, and actionable, and fills a crucial gap in our resources for creating just and liberated schools.”



       Carol Dweck     

Carol Dweck

“The authors have done an excellent job showing how an identity safe classroom integrates the growth mindset in elementary and secondary school. When students feel accepted and valued, when they feel safe learning from mistakes and encouraged to continually grow as learners, they can reach their highest potential.”




Deep Equity