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Success Story

Success Story: Jefferson County Public Schools, KY

The Deep Equity work can help you move the dial for your school or district. These results are from a case study that compared student achievement between schools in the same district that engaged in Deep Equity and those that did not.

Success Story: Jefferson County Public Schools, KY_1

Success Story: Jefferson County Public Schools, KY_2

 Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) is one of the largest, most diverse districts in the United States, serving 100,600 students from early childhood to 12th grade. Over 120 different languages are represented by the student body, 51% are students of color, 64% of students receive free/reduced lunch, and over 6,000 JCPS students are considered homeless. Check out the full JCPS case study to see how Deep Equity raised academic proficiency levels, decreased disruptive behavior, and started meaningful conversations between staff to inspire real change for their diverse population.

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