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Strengthening Teacher Effectiveness with Teacher Clarity

As the delivery of teaching and learning is shifting, one constant that remains unchanged is our need for teacher clarity. Teacher clarity is both a method and a mindset, and it has an impressive effect size of 0.75 (Hattie, 2009). “It’s teaching that is organized and intentional,” explain Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Olivia Amador. And when we are clear, our students can better plan and predict, set goals, and acquire a stronger sense of how to judge their own progress”.

The Teacher Clarity Playbook live, synchronous virtual workshops support teachers in collaborative teams to identify learning intentions and discuss ideas for instruction, review student work, and figure out if their efforts have been fruitful, and talk about students who need additional instruction to be successful.

Participants will engage in the nine modules in the Teacher Clarity Playbook, a systematical process that begins and ends with standards. With abundant cross-curricular examples that span grade levels, planning templates for every step, key professional learning questions, and a PLC guide, you have the most practical planner for designing and delivering highly effective instruction:

The Teacher Clarity Playbook Virtual Learning Experience Includes:

  • A copy of The Teacher Clarity Playbook for each participant, available in print and eBook format
  • Live synchronous interactive webinars that focus the nine modules, inclusive engagement protocols, and questions & answer sessions
  • An opportunity to for you and your team to collaborate with a Teacher Clarity Playbook author or certified consultant



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.Teacher Clarity Playbook
