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RTI Assessment Essentials for Struggling Learners

RTI Assessment Essentials for Struggling Learners

January 2009 | 200 pages | Corwin

"This book uses a practical approach to early intervention for struggling learners, while keeping in mind the cultural and linguistic considerations for English language learners. Applying the RTI strategies in this book takes the guesswork out of educating students and reduces referrals to special education due to lack of instruction."
—Robert Raymond, Senior School Improvement Instruction Specialist
Office of Special Education Initiatives, New York City Department of Education

Assess students accurately to make informed instructional and eligibility decisions!

Effective and ongoing assessment processes are crucial for making important decisions about the education of at-risk and struggling students. This practical book presents K–12 educators with a comprehensive overview of the three primary types of assessment within multitiered Response to Intervention (RTI) models: universal screening, progress monitoring, and diagnostic assessment for special education.

This resource establishes the foundation for assessment in RTI and provides practical suggestions for implementing universal screening and progress monitoring to make informed instructional decisions. The author identifies the role of RTI in determining student eligibility for special education services and discusses effective assessment decision-making processes, including roles and responsibilities of different team members. This book also:

  • Provides detailed coverage of specific assessment methods and practices, including Curriculum-Based Measurement
  • Addresses important topics related to RTI, including fidelity of implementation
  • Presents RTI assessment needs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners
  • Includes tables, figures, and reproducible forms and PowerPoint slides to facilitate training and implementation

RTI Assessment Essentials for Struggling Learners is a valuable guide for members of RTI teams looking to expand their expertise in meeting the needs of all students.

List of Forms
About the Author
Assessment Perspective in Today's Instructional Environment
Part I. Foundation of Assessment in Multi-Tier Response to Intervention
1. Overview of Multi-Tiered Response to Intervention for Struggling Learners
2. Continuum of Assessment in Multi-Tiered Response to Intervention
3. Ecological Framework Within Multi-Tiered Response to Intervention
Part II. Implementing Effective Multi-Tiered RTI Assessment
4. Fidelity of Assessment Implementation
5. Evidence-Based Assessment and Assessment Accommodations
6. RTI Assessment and Special Education
Part III. Making Effective Multi-Tiered RTI Assessment Decisions
7. Assessment Decision-Making Process in Multi-Tiered RTI
8. Reducing Misinterpretations of Learning Differences as Disabilities in Assessment
9. Future Challenges in Implementing Multi-Tiered Instructional Assessment for Struggling Learners
Appendix: PowerPoint Presentation: Assessment Essentials in Multi-Tiered Response to Intervention: Overview of Key Concepts

"This book accurately and efficiently provides an all-encompassing plan focused on the RTI model. The reader will find the tools and information necessary to develop or streamline a process within his or her educational setting."

Edward J. Drugo, Retired Principal
Greater Latrobe School District, Greensburg, PA

"An excellent, hands-on, practical guide for school teams implementing multitiered Response to Intervention programs in their schools."

Phyllis N. Levert, School Administrator
Georgia School Districts, Atlanta, GA

"This book would be a valuable resource to guide schools through the RTI process."

Kathy Amacher, Special Education Teacher
Franklin Middle School, Wheaton, IL

"This book uses a practical approach to early intervention for struggling learners, while keeping in mind the cultural and linguistic considerations for English language learners. Applying the RTI strategies in this book takes the guesswork out of educating students and reduces referrals to special education due to lack of instruction."

Robert Raymond, Senior School Improvement Instruction Specialist
Office of Special Education Initiatives, New York City Department of Education
Key features
  • Presents the most current and up-to-date information about assessment within multi-tier instruction/RTI
  • Includes tables, figures, sample guides, and forms in each chapter 
  • Assist educators in effectively implementing the assessment process which covers three stages—universal screening, on-going progress monitoring, and diagnostic

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