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The Challenging Learning Series Developed by James Nottingham

The challenge is what learning is all about—to willingly explore new ideas and grapple with existing ideas to deepen understanding. The term “challenging learning” has two implied meanings: to challenge the way learning is typically done, and to make learning more challenging.

The books in this series are centered around proven, research-based instructional strategies designed to cultivate exploratory dialogue, foster growth mindsets, give feedback, craft quality questions, and design challenging lessons. 


Challenge makes learning more interesting. That’s one of the reasons to encourage your students to dive into the learning pit—a state of cognitive conflict that forces students to think more deeply, critically, and strategically until they discover their “eureka!” moment. James Nottingham, an internationally known author and consultant, and his team will show you how to promote challenge and move students from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset through this series of books.



NEW! Challenging Mindset

Create the right conditions for a growth mindset to flourish in your school and your students


Mindset doesn’t matter when things are easy; it is only when faced with challenges that working from a growth mindset influences learning. But what is a ‘growth mindset’? Why are mindset interventions not working in schools (yet)? What can be done to change this? Challenging Mindset answers key questions about Carol Dweck’s theory of Mindset and shares proven strategies for putting mindset theory into practice. A nuanced understanding of mindset is critical for fostering a growth mindset in yourself, your classroom, and your students.


ISBN: 9781506376622 

Price: $36.95  $29.95*


Preview a Sample Chapter




Watch James Nottingham and Carol Dweck explain the relationship between challenge and growth mindset! 

In this video, James Nottingham and world-renowned mindset expert Carol Dweck discuss how, the more you challenge yourself, the more likely you are to foster a growth mindset.


Watch Video >>



 Meet the Authors

James Nottingham 

Co-founder and Director of Challenging Learning, and the creator of the Learning Challenge.

Jill Nottingham

Director of Networks and Product Development at Challenging Learning. Jill leads Challenging Learning’s primary school consultancy. 

Martin Renton

Challenging Learning's Director of Consultancy and Evaluations. He is a sought-after speaker, facilitator, and coach.

Bosse Larsson 

Consultant and author at Challenging Learning. He is a teacher, trainer and concept developer in Sweden.


The Series: Start your Challenging Learning Journey 

If you’re looking for a practical, discussion-based protocol for increasing students’ conceptual understanding, start with The Learning Challenge—and then explore the Learning Challenge Lesson books for specific lesson plans. The Learning Challenge relies on excellent feedback, dialogue, and questioning techniques, so we encourage you to delve deeper into each of those techniques in Challenging Learning Through Feedback, Dialogue, and Questioning (coming soon!).