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72 Results Found for "CC1"


Teacher Appreciation Week On-Your-Feet-Guides

We have so much graditude for all the amazing teachers around the world! Enjoy two free On-Your-Feet-Guides to utilize in your classroom, school, or district! Each On-Your-Feet-Guide can be downloaded and reviewed online, or printed for your convenience. 


On-Your-Feet-Guide to Learning Transfer

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Retool Your Whole School for EL Achievement

If we’re to counter the commonly held narrative of predictable failure among our English learners, then every teacher, every coach, every administrator must have an expert’s understanding of the conditions, tools, and strategies that best support English language development together with content mastery.  Put simply: It takes a school . . . plus a professional learning plan steeped in evidence. 

Evaluating Instructional Leadership Alignment

In the forward for Ray and Julie’s book, Evaluating Instructional Leadership, Professor John Hattie poses a question:

One of the greatest powers of a school leader is that they have the power to create the narrative in their schools. Is it a narrative of curriculum, test, scores, bus timetables, tracking—the peripherals of schools that need school on student learning—learning in the widest senses?

Thank you for your interest

We appreciate your interest in Impact Teams, however we are no longer partnering with this service. Click on a link below to learn about our other PD offerings and how to make the biggest impact in your schools and districts.

How We Support Clients

When you work with Corwin, you gain a strategic partner committed to building your school or district’s capacity for long-term, measurable, sustainable improvement. Every partnership with Corwin receives a client success team dedicated to promoting a successful learning experience.

We provide and facilitate:

Areas of Focus


Learn more about how our education experts can partner with your staff to make the biggest impact. Click on a module below to learn more about our areas of focus and related offerings.

