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Disruptive Classroom Technologies

Disruptive Classroom Technologies
A Framework for Innovation in Education

Foreword by Robert J. Marzano

May 2017 | 152 pages | Corwin

Ensure your technological integration is leading to deeper learning!
Have we developed, at considerable cost and effort, classrooms that are digitally rich but innovation poor? Timely and powerful, this book offers a new framework to elevate instructional practices with technology and maximize student learning. The T3 Framework helps categorize students’ learning as translational, transformational, or transcendent, sorting through the low-impact applications to reach high-impact usage. Teachers and leaders will find:

  • Examples of technology use at the translational, transformational, and transcendent levels
  • Activities, guides, and prompts for deeper learning
  • Evaluative rubrics to self-assess current technology use, establish meaningful goals, and track progress

This guide helps teachers and leaders realize the potential of modern teaching and learning tools to unleash students’ passion for limitless learning.

Check out this Bam! Radio interview with author Sonny Magana

"We need to build collaborative communities of students using the social media aspects of technology to change classroom conversations from monologue to dialogue, increasing student impact questions, and allowing errors. This is the core of Magana’s claims, and how we’ll see technology really make the difference we’re after!"
—John Hattie, Laureate Professor, Deputy Dean of MGSE,
Director of the Melbourne Education Research Institute

“Fresh, innovative, and revolutionary, Magana's T3 Framework promises to challenge the status quo and invite disruptive practices in educational technology.”
—Yong Zhao
Author, World Class Learners

“The T3 Framework is a brilliant breakthrough in our understanding and use of technology for learning.”
—Michael Fullan, Professor Emeritus
OISE/University of Toronto, Canada

Foreword by Robert J. Marzano
About the Author
Who Should Read This Book?

Where Are We and Where Are We Going?

Organization of This Book

Chapter 1. A Case for Disruptive Innovation in Education
What Is Disruptive Innovation?

Managing Disruptive Transitions in Education

Principles of Effective Pedagogy

Principles of Effective Technology Integration


Chapter 2. The T3 Framework: A New Framework for Innovation in Education
The Importance of Frameworks

Existing Frameworks and Their Usefulness

The T3 Framework


Chapter 3. T1: Translational Technology Use
Translational Technology Use Defined

T1.1: Automation and T1.2: Consumption


Chapter 4. T2: Transformational Technology Use
Transformational Technology Use Defined

T2.1: Production

T2.2: Contribution


Chapter 5. T3: Transcendent Technology Use
Transcendent Technology Use Defined

T3.1: Inquiry Design

T3.2: Social Entrepreneurship


Chapter 6. Applying the T3 Framework
Using the T3 Framework for Self-Assessment, Goal Setting, and Continuous Personal Growth

Using the T3 Framework for Teacher Evaluation

Using the T3 Framework for Professional and Organizational Development



"As districts struggle to truly embed technology into the daily classroom learning, it is becoming clear that a new set of language and ideas are needed to move this work forward. This book provides readers with a fresh framework that can build institutional capacity and deeper integration of education technology."

Dr. Robert Dillon, Director
BrightBytes Institute, San Francisco, CA

"Understanding Sonny’s background and past work, I had high expectations, but Disruptive Classroom Technologies was even better than I had expected. I so enjoyed this work and got so much from it that I can’t wait to start sharing it with schools immediately. Sonny outlines the truly personal and relevant use of technology by students, to understand, hypothesize, innovate and solve the “wicked real-life problems that matter to them.” The T3 Framework will require some serious reflective, honest, and thoughtful effort from district leaders and faculty, but the potential student rewards and outcomes cannot be maximized without this key piece. I believe the real power of Disruptive Classroom Technologies and the T3 Framework lies in the guided, step-by-step approach Sonny has developed for setting vision and goal-setting, and to building consensus, belief, and mastery in their plans. This is an absolutely great work!"

Mike Belcher, Director of EdTech Innovation
HP, Inc., Austin, TX

“Dr. Sonny Magana’s T3 framework for innovation in education offers a useful tool for educators globally to embrace the disruptive technologies that abound today. Templates of questions for considering the T3 framework in the context of rapid technological changes allow educators to engage learners at ever deeper and more meaningful levels. Dr. Magana’s great manual for using existing classroom technologies for engaging learners and learning communities in a transcendent manner has the clear and cogent potential for changing our educational world for the better."

John Jacob Zucker Gardiner, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Leadership, Seattle University

I can highly recommend “Disruptive Classroom Technologies” to any educator (teacher or leader) who is interested in ensuring that they implement the use of technologies in their school/classroom in the best possible way. If you’re not content with the status quo and you want to improve the way technologies are used in your setting, this book is for you. Dr. Sonny Magana has outlined a simple three stage ‘T3 Framework’ to assist educators to innovate in their own schools, to reflect on where they currently stand, and to give direction for where they could be going. This book is both easy to read and highly engaging, as Sonny has embedded ‘rock’n’roll’ references and analogies throughout and it’s one of those books you think you will just start reading, and then you realise you have finished reading it all in one sitting! Sonny supports his readers to implement the T3 Framework in their own schools by providing online links to a range of resources such as goal-setting and observation guides. This is a book I will definitely keep going back to and is well worth purchasing!

Rachael Lehr
Science Specialist and Digital Technologies Lead Teacher
Key features

Throughout the book, teachers and leaders will find:

  • Examples of technology use at each level in the T3 Framework
  • Evaluative rubrics to help them self-assess their current technology use in the classroom and throughout the school
  • Ideas for activities and lesson plans that move technology use to higher levels of the T3 framework

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

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ISBN: 9781506359090

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