Dynamic Teachers
Leaders of Change
- Sharon F. Rallis - 2014 - 2018, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
- Gretchen B. Rossman - University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
- Ann Abeille - WestEd, USA
August 1995 | 176 pages | Corwin
The role of the teacher is no longer confined to the classroom or to interactions with students. The authors of this book illustrate through case studies the emerging roles of `dynamic' teachers which incorporate: seeing themselves as professionals and making a commitment to professional behaviours; challenging student thinking through appropriate questioning strategies; extending the classroom into the community, and bringing the community into the classroom; and becoming agents of change, advocating school reform.
Steven Levy
Dynamic Teachers
The Moral Steward
The Constructor
The Philosopher
The Facilitator
The Inquirer
The Bridger
The Changemaker