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The Collective for EL Achievement

Together, we can do this 


Welcome to the Collective for EL Achievement! 


At Corwin, our authors and consultants have dedicated their careers to changing narratives, classrooms, and lives, guided by the principle that it takes every educator across a school community to deliver on the promise of our language-learning students.

Whether you’re an EL specialist, a general classroom teacher, or an administrator, we’re equipped to assist you across all needs and entry points. Our collective expertise is unrivalled.



Our Logic Proposition

We believe that: 

  • If we promote students’ language development as the collective responsibility of all educators across schools and systems
  • If we affirm students’ multiple languages and cultures in curriculum, assessment, and our daily instruction
  • If we scaffold our instruction to varying levels of English language development
  • If we honor, value, and promote multilingualism as a substantial asset in our global/pluralistic society
  • If we promote comprehensive professional learning across a building on all of the above

. . . Only then will we dramatically increase the potential for success for our language learners. We in the Collective for EL Achievement view this as a moral imperative, and every resource we publish, every in-service we deliver is designed to “break down the walls” that silo our English learners and allow them to thrive.