Equality and Diversity in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Second Edition
- Ann Gravells
- Susan Simpson - North East Lincolnshire Council
Further Education and Skills
Further Education and Skills
January 2013 | 200 pages | Learning Matters
This is a valuable guide for new/existing teachers or those taking the unit as part of a qualification. Examples, activities and checklists within the book help you to link theory to practice.
The book could also be used when providing in-service professional development to staff.
It is a comprehensive text, covering:
*the Equality Act 2010; advancing equality and valuing diversity;
*demonstrating appropriate behaviour;
*helping and supporting others;
*reviewing your own contribution to equality and diversity;
*relevant legislation.
Please note: the qualification unit content contained in the appendices has since changed, and some legislation mentioned in the book has been updated.
It is a comprehensive text, covering:
*the Equality Act 2010; advancing equality and valuing diversity;
*demonstrating appropriate behaviour;
*helping and supporting others;
*reviewing your own contribution to equality and diversity;
*relevant legislation.
Please note: the qualification unit content contained in the appendices has since changed, and some legislation mentioned in the book has been updated.
Key Features of a Culture Which Advances Equality and Values Diversity
Advancing Equality and Valuing Diversity
Demonstrating Appropriate Behaviour
Helping and Supporting Others
Reviewing Your Contribution
Relevant Legislation
Appendix 1 Equality and Diversity Unit Level 3
Appendix 2 Equality and Diversity Unit Level 4
Appendix 3 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Appendix 4 Glossary of Terms
Appendix 5 Checklist for Advancing Equality and Diversity
Ann Gravells always writes in a way that is clear and easy for the learner to understand. An ideal book for learners who need an understanding of Equality and Diversity. Also recommend for more experienced leaners who wish to up date their knowledge for the purpose of CPD.
Education and Quality Assurance, Trade Skills 4U
May 28, 2012
For new tutors and existing ones wishing to keep up-to-date and new tutors for reference and understanding a must book.
Teaching, Learning and Standards, Riverside College Halton
May 23, 2012