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Evaluating Instructional Leadership Success Stories

Evaluating Instructional Leadership, Volusia County Schools, Ray Smith, Julie Smith, Corwin

"In 2012, we began work to develop instructional leaders at our schools that would have the expertise in the critical areas of leadership to effectively lead their schools to meet the increasing requirements in faculty development and student achievement. Through our work with Dr. Julie Smith, our district designed a multi-year series of sessions targeting the focus areas for leaders as defined by needs assessments. Following support in the new teacher evaluation system, we launched the Impact Leadership Series and Feedback for Learning. Now in our fourth year, we continue to engage in progressive learning to improve the performance of instructional leaders and can document significant improvement in faculty performance and student achievement."

Karen L. Beattie, Principal
Chrisholm Elementary School

Read the case study: The Story of Volusia County Schools, FL



Praise for the Book:

“This book not only highlights the key messages about the role of the leader, but it does so in a way that is engaging and practical, and that reflects the Smiths’ long history of being school leaders and seeing the effects of their teaching.”
—John Hattie, Director
Melbourne Education Research Institute,
University of Melbourne


Praise for the Seminars:

"Participating in Learning Walks with Dr. Julie Smith was one of the best professional learning events I've experienced. This job-embedded PD provides a powerful collaboration platform for professionals from all levels of experience and expertise to learn together. I truly believe the Learning Walks process has the power to impact instructional practice and transform school culture". 
—Melissa Roa, Specialist, Professional Development and Support
Volusia School District, Daytona Beach, FL

"I attended a great session with Raymond and Julie Smith. If the spirit of Visible Learning is that teachers should know their impact, it's essential that school principals should also know their impact on student learning. The Smiths provided some excellent tools for leaders to identify practices that can become a basis for gathering data and then correlating that data with changes in both teaching practice and student achievement."
—Gary Houchens, Associate Professor
Western Kentucky University

“The Learning Walk process really helped sharpen our focus as we looked for specifi c indicators allowing for feedback that was void of opinions. Wow! What an eye opener. We can’t wait to have our coaches train our faculty in the process.”
—Stacy Gotlib, Principal
River Springs Middle School, FL



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