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Evidence into Action for Leaders I

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Evidence into Action for Leaders I | Evidence into Action for Leaders II

The first day of the Evidence into Action series introduces school leaders to the types of evidence that can be used to prioritize the direction of the learning environment, and attendees will receive the tools available that support this.

Corwin Visible Learning Foundation Series: Evidence into Action for Leaders

Learning Outcomes

  • Leadership actions which have greatest impact on student outcomes
  • Importance of leaders as evaluators
  • Types of evidence that can be used and the tools available to support this


Session 1: Leaders as Evaluators: Participants will reflect on the extent to which their leadership team prioritizes the practices that make the greatest difference in student learning.

Session 2:  The Visible Learner: Participants will reflect upon the key characteristics of students who are Visible Learners and will explore tools for data collection at their respective school site.

Session 3: Know thy Impact: Participants will learn to use and calculate effect sizes as a means of assessing instructional quality and student growth.

Session 4: Inspired and Passionate Teachers: Participants will reflect upon the extent to which teachers in their school match the profile of an inspired and passionate teacher.

Session 5: Feedback: Participants will review the role of feedback and its potential impact on student learning and achievement.

Session 6: The Visible Learning School: Participants will learn how to utilize the Visible Learning School matrix in preparation for the second day of the Evidence into Action for Administrators training. 

Interested in bringing the Visible Learningplus Foundation Series to your school? Contact us!