Homelessness Comes to School
- Joseph Murphy - Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
- Kerri Tobin - Louisiana State University, USA, Marywood University
"This is the most comprehensive analysis of homeless youth that exists. Joseph Murphy and Kerri Tobin patiently outline the demographic, sociohistorical, and psychological challenges facing one of our most vulnerable and least understood populations."
—William G. Tierney, Director, Center for Higher Education Policy Analysis
Professor, University of Southern California
The seminal work on homeless students and our responsibility to educate them
School-aged children in homeless families and independent homeless youth represent the fastest-growing population of homeless individuals in the United States. This volume brings the issue to light with substantial and far-reaching research that describes the plight of these children, the legal framework surrounding the issue, and educators' roles in teaching homeless children. Homelessness Comes to School also outlines effective intervention programs and provides specific guidelines for teaching homeless students. Topics covered include:
- A history of homelessness, including its demographic patterns, causes, and impact on society
- The various programs schools have implemented to address homeless children's needs
- How schools, parents, and external community agencies can work together to educate homeless students
Evaluating the scope of the problem and developing interventions for these students at risk must be a priority for service providers and policy makers. This resource will give all involved parties a well-grounded understanding of homelessness and guidelines for working together toward a solution.
"One measure of a society is to look to those who are most helpless and see how society treats them. Murphy and Tobin offer a sobering assessment of how the United States treats one of our most vulnerable and least understood populations—homeless youth. No child wants to be homeless and the stigma attached to homelessness almost assures they will not be treated fairly, without societal protections. They are prone to social isolation, health problems, and victimization, to name but a few. Murphy and Tobin’s book patiently, dispassionately, and depressingly outlines the demographic, socio-historical, and psychological challenges homeless youth face, making it a helpful resource for those who work with at-risk youth. This book is the most comprehensive analysis of homeless youth that exists."
"Homelessness Comes to School provides a fresh look at one of the most challenging issues facing educators worldwide: How to best support children and youth experiencing homelessness. Joe Murphy and Kerri Tobin offer a comprehensive text that all educators will find valuable in helping these students gain access to and experience success in school."
"From handling absenteeism and expulsion to ensuring access and understanding the impact of homelessness on kids, this is a wide-ranging blend of research results and applied solutions perfect for any urban educator's library."
"The authors look at five general categories of homeless school-age children and consider the damaging impact of no home or no consistent home on them. They believe ending child homelessness is within reach, if it is made a priority by policy makers. Recommended."