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Implementing PLCs with Corwin's PLC+

The structures of effective professional learning communities (PLCs) ensure two things:

  • Clarity is present at the onset
  • PD is centered on what students need to learn

The PLC foundation helps drive teacher decisions around the development of student learning tasks. These tasks provide specific evidence, allowing teachers to make appropriate instructional inferences for the students in their classrooms.

Corwin’s PLC+ provides teachers and teacher leaders with a practical and evidence-based framework, supporting collaborative structures as they plan and implement both student learning and professional learning.

The plus in PLC+ is the teacher.

Through PLC+, Corwin recognizes that just as teachers work to identify the learning needs of students, PLCs need to identify the learning needs of adult learners. This happens through deep discussion, thoughtful and genuine reflection, and examination of impact. Participant outcomes and goals are centered on understanding the PLC+ framework and its potential impact, the required steps for implementing PLC+, and how PLC+ builds individual and collective efficacy, as well as teacher credibility.

PLC+, PLC, PLCs, Corwin, PD, professional development, professional learning


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